Smooch, I run a Mumble server (Open Source voice chat designed for games, its better than TS IMO) that runs on a dedicated 100 mbit server. Currently only using it to talk to my brothers and coworker while playing on EMC... if you want, I can set you up as an admin and we could use it for EMC instead. Much more efficient than running TS on a residential connection.
how many people use this? and is there more then a few channels, I used to use ventrilo back on the day when i played counterstrike, and we had like 20 different channels so people could go talk alone so others would not mind?
theres a channel for wild,nether,and town for every server (1-5-utopia, no 6) hope this helped and click the eggs!
sorry it was down for a moment, but I just brought it back up. Having some remodeling done in the house.. XD