EMC Teamspeak

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iSmooch, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Alright, just download teamspeak 3.0 or higher and connect to this ip address:

    and use your IGN to get in.



    Also, alert me of your arrival and i will give you your proper perms, they have no real perks yet, but i am working on that.

    Also, important note, all EMC rules apply here. Just to let you guys know. I thought about that one a long time, and I think it is best for our younger community to stick to the rules.

    please invite your friends, the success of this lies with how well you guys can spiderweb this.

    1. What is teamspeak?

      TeamSpeak is a proprietary Voice over IP software that allows users to speak on a chat channel with other users, much like a telephone conference call.
      Instrucions on Installing and Setting up:

    2. TeamSpeak

      To download TeamSpeak go to http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads

      You want Client 32-bit or 64-bit (If you don’t know which bit you have, you probably have a 32-bit OS, so click that download.)

      Once you’ve installed the program and open it you will be prompted by a TeamSpeak Setup Wizard. Complete the wizard entering your nick name as your in-Game name.

      If you have any troubles a video of this can be seen here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=tutorials
      To connect to EmpireMinecraft's TeamSpeak server click on Connections in the top left.

      Once you’ve done this a new window will appear. In this window are three fields. Under the IP Field type in the following:
      Under Nickname type in your in-Game name (if it is not already inside the box)
      and server password type: theempire

      You are all done and now have all the tools you need to be able to contact members, get involved, and ask questions. Feel free to also use this forums resources to learn and ask questions.
  2. Lonely place so far. :-D
  3. woot. go bitfed, first iron member, you have to remember just opened, ... however, spark people's interest.
  4. Sorry is this a MineCraft server or a different game? Im soo confused (and sorry for late replyes im on a smartphone)
  5. Im Jumping on now :)
  6. its a voice chat server, so you can vocally talk to all of your friends =)
  7. Can anyone join cause if they can I will
  8. Yes, i would imagine this TS is for the whole community of EMC
  9. Ok I will get it soon
  10. it is def availible for every member. the more the merrier =)
  11. It to complicated for me to get lool
  12. I Try if i can join :3
    Lux Retreating - Cannot Join =(
  13. you can join.. anyone can join, this is for the Empire =)
  14. Also, I would like to take this time to disclaim the above TeamSpeak Server in no way receives any funds or compensation from EmpireMinecraft.com of KallandLabs, LLC.. This TeamSpeak Server is kept and maintained with a non-profit, non-commercial license. Other wise, just friends talking. Any Assumed association with the aforementioned organizations is strictly coincidental and takes no part in profit or monetary gain.

    Had to say it, because i dont want it to go any where XD.
  15. Client or server
  16. you want the client.
  17. Oh Thanks :)
  18. instructions on installing teamspeak are now included in the original post
  19. I'm confused what server does the ip conect you to smp1??