
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. whats a momentus ?? (feel like a noob lol)
  2. guys, im down in new Amsterdam with tycho . Its lovely down here, but has a serious problem with mobs. I have put some torches down to help him, but he would be grateful if any of the other players could come down and develop the area as well, thanks.
  3. A massive zombie. Anyone's welcome to it!
  4. Have you already talked to a mod about it?
  5. No, I think I know how to kill it on my own.
  6. Ok, please let me know when you killed it.
  7. I guess I can rename Pines. Pines shall now be known as Thurber.
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. Does anyone need wool? or wheat?
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  9. My computer is BACK! I will be joining you in Thurber soon!
  10. Thanks holly hill for helping me into the wremian empire. I am so glad to be a resident here!
    hollyhill105 likes this.
  11. And dean and holly....I would be up to doing one of those jobs as an engineer that dean posted about
    Dean_Catterson and hollyhill105 like this.
  12. Sorry for the wait, but heres the map.

    Not very detailed, I know, but it gives a basic idea of where Thurber is.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  13. Welcome! I am 72Volt. These days, I spend most of my time lurking in the shadows of the Empire.
    I have emerged to say your username is fine. Damn fine.
    That is all, move along.
    L0tad, mba2012 and cddm95ace like this.
  14. hey is this land where i am on this map taken??

    Attached Files:

  15. Ok!
    Heading there slowly. We should expand south to make sure we don't crash into other places.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  16. *clears through twice*
  17. yeah.. volt city is occupied guys..
  18. I would be interested in wool!

    No sweat! Ill add you to a conversation as soon as I can.

    And there was me thinking you had left EMC lol

    That land is pretty near Pazzo. Earlier this year we all agreed not to build any more west of Oakville so not to infringe on their territory.

  19. for some reason minecraft isnt letting me connect to smp9...trying to find a fix
  20. Very big announcement coming. Will be up very soon!