
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. oh and Dean... I would like to buy a chest of stone brick
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  2. Is there a rail to pazzo from wrem?
  3. Oh well since it was holly's plot you can build away! Just make sure to have a look at our guidelines for skyscrapers :)

    Will get you the stonebrick asap! No there is not a rail link between Pazzo and Wrem.
  4. Volt has an existing embassy by the old wool farm.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  5. I am proud to introduce The Thurber Wool Company! TTWC will be run by me and Darthin, with Darthin growing the wool and sending it to me, and me selling and exporting it. We plan to export our wool to Wrem, Volt, Estona, or any other town that would want to buy it, who knows, maybe people in the EMC town might want it for their shops. We are not open yet, as a shop hasn't even been built yet in Thurber, but it will be hopefully open soon, and ready to export. Darthin has every colour of wool, so whatever you need, we'll have ready for you to use. The prices of wool hasn't been determined yet, but it will likely be a flat cost across the board. As we get more ready, more info will be posted. :)
    mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  6. I Been Thinking About Awesome To Have a City Then I Thought Can I Start One?
    Dean_Catterson and ApeEmperor like this.
  7. Dean r any of these spots available for building upon?? 13777 -4221 ; 13351 -4084 ; 12858 -4460

    Proposal 1) The Demolition proposal of the old oak mega-Highway through the city. Its an eyesore, and it only stretches through the city of wrem. The Smaller Road, with the birch wood with the rail link is much more practical, as it goes to oakville, and inzonio, with the link t oceania as well, so I propose the smaller road and rail can stay, and we demolish the huge oak, highway .... suggestions ?? (P.S it will also improve the look of wrem in and around the city and on the live map .... just saying ???)
  9. Ok. Thurber needs to kinda smash the trees and move south a little. The sad thing is, mobs are coming out of the forest, so I'm going to have to torch run or chop the trees.
  10. I also don't see why the large highway should stay. However we would need to contact L0tad to discuss it.
  11. You can start a village/town/city if you want! However please don't make it in the state of Flanders, as plans have been made to fill the area. You could even make your own country if you think you could make a success of it :)
  12. well, obviously L0tad has no intention if finishing it ... its been lying there long enough, so ... as The Chairperson of the City Council, i vote that we demolish the old Highway as soon as possible
  13. The city council has no power to do that. Its responsibilities are limited to maintaining the City of Wrem. Property issues are currently in my hands, although hopefully this can change when we get the government up and running. I am in the process of contacting players over unused property in light of the listing of the Militia building. Hopefully I will regain control of all empty plots to give to new players a place to build
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. If he put it up and is still active with EMC you would need his permission, otherwise wouldn't that be greifing?
    mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  15. .... not really, it was built for the public, and as the City Council represents the public, and L0tad isnt active in Wrem anymore, he has about 5 plots that are undeveloped .... but i will PM him on the forums, before we make a final decision ... we dont want to break any rules.
  16. The Rise of Elsrose. Hello civilians I been work on this city for about 2 weeks planning, mining and build a border it not done yet but here were it at hope you guys like it.

    Border of Elsrose.png
    more will be coming with more rules in about 5 weeks.
    ApeEmperor, L0tad and Dean_Catterson like this.
  17. Please don't chop the forest, trees will be taken down as needed. Just put some torches down.
  18. This is one of the problems of having a political system in MC and EMC. The same ideas about public property that apply in the real world, do not apply in EMC. We have specific rules covering demolition of property built by others.

    Also, politically, it is Deans decision, as it is a highway that stretches through multiple cities, it is a national highway, and therefore controlled by a national government.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.

    With Permission have been accepted with the demolition of the Old Mega Highway, the City Council will begin demolition asap. (L0tad said yes to demolish it)
    L0tad and Dean_Catterson like this.
  20. Ok.
    Also, where should I begin to build?