Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Thenks
  2. There is an app for doing that or some program. I know. My friend did it and made one of my skin and it looked really cool!
  3. sweet, i didn't use an app, but i can do it really well except the head =\
  4. It all looked great!
  5. I know, I thought sticks don't work on nether hounds tho
  6. How much do those go for?
  7. :eek: SYSTEM is this:
  8. spidey329 likes this.
  9. thanks, if you see it from different angles the head looks crap lol, but I really enjoy doing it
  10. Stop.

    Like this photo of Me Gusta dog.

  11. Wut? I thought I already posted, but my post seems to be gone? Weird.

    That moment when you defeat the ender dragon... :D 2013-07-22_09.37.24.png 2013-07-22_09.37.27.png 2013-07-22_09.51.49.png 2013-07-22_09.50.54.png
    Totally not cheating or anything(look at my hotbar XD)
    Olaf_C likes this.
  12. 2013-10-19_15.06.31.png
    My horde of wither skulls right before I return to town.
  13. thats a place on emc?
  14. What? Town? (There's a reply button for a reason)
  15. 2013-10-26_11.26.14.png
    i became a pin cushion XD
    creeper3845, Parkerjv9 and Palmsugar like this.