Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. nah had them already XD I'm on a cobble quest loll
  2. The Super secret settings in 1.7.2 :D. Not from Empire, but good any way :) 2013-10-27_11.31.21.png 2013-10-27_11.31.26.png 2013-10-27_11.33.49.png
  3. Haha, I know this post is old, but that was a store I still own with my friend, MinecraftMDR :p
  4. Alice Never Existed.png
    Look at the chat, you'll know it when you see it :p
  5. I randomly grabbed 3 screenshots from inside muh screenshot folder :D
    TheSpyPie and 607 like this.
  6. 2013-08-21_21.26.13.png 2013-09-08_19.08.27.png 2013-09-28_22.01.00.png
    Yes, my sun texture is Nicolas Cage.
  7. Derping around in (old) tutorial. 2013-08-02_13.58.20.png Drop party some time ago 2013-08-02_20.03.52.png Somehow that diamond ore later just disappeared. It was nowhere. 2013-08-02_20.05.43.png You see? I did not move any items. 2013-08-02_20.18.15.png
    Jcplugs likes this.
  8. I remember this! This is from long ago, after blowing me up into the air with tnt in the wild!
    Thanks for the pic :)
  9. The snow doesn't know I'm not a dirt block :p

    at my lonely outpost, just me and some golems
    607 likes this.
  10. death looking pretty bad on his pony ;P
  11. Yes, I saved the smiley from the snip. :p Where was that last picture from? Is that shaunwhite's secret-wilderness-lair-that-I've-never-been-to on some EMC server?
  12. Nah dawg its on a minigames server xD
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  13. Light green named Aikar! First time I've seen that in my whole life! Where was this chrystal?
  14. New years 2012, at /v newyears
    607 likes this.
  15. 2013-11-08_16.14.01.png
    Fun with Aikar and invisibility :) 2013-11-08_16.07.15.png
    Floating Paper :D
  16. The last screenshot :D