Uh, so this means what?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mba2012, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Oh, The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer

    Yes, they still get paid, They practically get free vacation days
    Chascarrillo and battmeghs like this.
  2. The only bad thing I don't like about government funding is this - Presidents get to set the pay rate for the next presidents - and the presidents and governors and members of congress still get paid even after they quit office... so they are paid until they die...
  3. Thats probably where all of the government funds have gone then...
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  4. So uh...The way this Obamacare thing sounds, if I don't have health insurance (which I don't because the only insurance hubby's work offers isn't accepted anywhere locally and he won't get his VA stuff from the air force) I'm going to jail?
    battmeghs likes this.
  5. Absolutely not - No jail, just can be fined, but if you dont have a job, you wouldnt even get fined. The fine is on people who DO have a job, but still opt to not get it. But the base cheap plans are like 50$/month for a low income person.

    I recommend going to healthcare.gov and learn about it and do not read anything from random people, because noone knows the full context of the laws, and the right wing is going to throw every scary sounding thing they can about it.

    Just go for the facts and ignore the media/peers.
  6. ...and the left is going to try and make it seem like one of the best things in the world, which it isn't for most people.

    Both sides fail here. Let's not forget that when "bashing" one of the sides. ;)
  7. That was my point. They shouldn't be allowed to get that long. When you have supporters of the bill saying: "I don't know what's in it, but let's pass it and see what happens.", it makes me want to pull my hair out. I think that alone should put you in the nut house if you support this, haha.
  8. I mean why not! Not like it violates half of the bill of rights! Our country sucks
    battmeghs, mba2012, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  9. Sadly, I think in the past handful of years, people have gotten so used to having our rights violated by the things that's happened during this administration, that they either don't notice or they don't care anymore.
  10. IMG_1419.JPG

    Can also get rid of 2 more or so with Obamacare and NSA
  11. I say that Empire Minecraft should just start its own country.
    That can't fail, right?
  12. I don't understand why the republicans and Obama and work on a single thing. Especially when the republicans shut down the government. I have a feeling this is going to go on for a long, time.
  13. It won't crash the economy. At least, it in itself shouldn't. Those are just rumors that media stir up to get views.

    And about Obamacare, AKA, the Affordable Care Act...


    ... Wonderful.

    I think most people would rather have it delayed another year, rather than pay much more than they already do. Its better to do something that you understand. If you don't understand something, then why do it? Because someone told you to? Because someone told you that it is good, and makes promises that no one can link back to prediction data? Because that is what got this horrible 900 page bill passed.
    That is what the media, and the government did to everyone. It was a pyramid of lies and painting one side or another as the big baddy. Congress had one, damn, week, to read a 900 page bill along with all the other stuff they have to get done. One week! No one had time to figure out what was actually inside the bill, and no one had enough time to fix the damn thing.

    Both parties suck beyond belief, but its the Democrats that are being the most ridiculous now. They are the ones who are saying "it was passed, so now it is in the past", they are the ones who caused the shutdown. The Republicans wanted to compromise, but the Democrats were the ones who refused to back down from the bill they don't even understand. Blind devotion is horrible, and that is what they did. They don't care if it @#$%s the country over, because their leaders told them it will be good, and it also is their leading symbolic "achievement" now. They should be the most ashamed, because they really showed how ignorant and arrogant they are to the world.

    But both parties should be ashamed at how they are so immature that they can't ever come to a compromise anymore without threatening each other with threats that hurt everyone else besides them.

    They say that other countries look at us as an example. I really hope that those countries look passed the idiots in our government who can't stop playing the "who has bigger balls!" game, and look at the examples of the people that make up our country.

    Until politicians can expand their vocabulary to include "synergy", they will continue to ruin our country, one pile of shit at a time.
  14. Aikar doesn't get to run anything like the Economy or Public Affairs and we'll be good. :p
  15. Um, Fox News is controlled by the liberal media also... In fact, it is the head network of Republicans.
  16. Right.

    Liberal Media = Democrat Puppets (All but Fox)
    Conservative Media = Republican Puppets (Basically Fox)
    chickeneer, mba2012 and AKing707 like this.
  17. George Washington warned us about this
    penfoldex, battmeghs and IcecreamCow like this.
  18. I'm irritated about a wide variety of things about this whole situation.
    A) that the bill passed without appropriate understanding from both sides
    B) that the republicans have now decided to go back in their decision, however unwilling
    C) that the democrats refuse to compromise on the topic
    D) that both houses got so involved in party disputes that they failed to get anything done
    E) that both parties are now, not only greatly exaggerating the shutdown, but blaming the other.
    F) and finally, that the only people with the power to stop it, are too busy fighting amongst themselves to fix anything.

    However, I am slightly amused that the US is shutting itself down because it can't decide on a way to spend money it doesn't have.