The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. are you sure..... cause when i go ah hunting its more like 10 or more reg mobs to every one enraged :confused:
  2. Well, as Aikar stated in a previous message. We plan on not just being one of the 'up to date' and that's it servers. We want to create new ideas and new experiences instead of just being on par. I'm certain that as time goes on Mojang will add more mobs that make ours look super weak. :)
    PenguinDJ and jrm531 like this.
  3. I am positive, I can't even cross the land without seeing at least one enraged mob.
  4. Lolol
    I didn't notic a single change XD except I can starve to death
    Also does looting work on enraged/armored/enchanted weapon mobs because I want to earn some shiny flesh =3
  5. Apparently the EnRg mobs love my suicide tower at the north of smp1 frontier main spawn north
    Terrible directions... I nvr even like geography that much
  6. reg mob can drop good loot to and enraged zombie's & creepers are usually on fire. all the enraged mob's have a name tag that says enraged ____.

    Are you sure your not just getting nice loot and thinking its an enraged mob?
    If you use a fire aspect weapon the loot might burn;) only use normal bow / sword to be sure you get the most loot.

    I use a looting 3 sharpness 5 unbraking 3 sword, my bow dose have fire but I only use it to shot once then charge with the sword
  7. Oh no I'm positive, the mobs say "Enraged ____" and they have the bubbles around them.
    I've gotten diamonds, enchanted bows, heads, and more from them. I've even seen 6 enraged creepers.
  8. Like pigmen, no lava damage? (What texture pack?)
  9. You can't starve to death in Normal Mode; only hard mode.
    Normal Mode will take you down to half a heart.
    jrm531 likes this.
  10. I agree with Tarka on this. The enraged mobs up the difficulty past "normal". Basic armor and weapons will NOT do it especially if ganged up on with multiple mobs. I was killed by an enraged zombie in full daylight and after hitting it multiple times with an enchanted sword. It was still waiting for me when I returned to grab my loot.

    I do think upping the difficulty was a good move, too easy before.

    I also think they should put back the ability to damage mobs from the protected areas. Due to the increased number of mobs, I am ganged up on almost every time I try and leave a protected area. When I run back to protection they follow me in and I cannot clear them out.

    I have been a member for a short time and was planning on becoming a paid subscriber, but this "normal" update has put a hold on that until I can decide if I can survive in the wild.
  11. Correct:)
    And OCD by disco :3
    jrm531 likes this.
  12. Even with infinity, if you have shiny arrows in your inventory, the bow shoots them first, and uses them all up. Could this please be changed?
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  13. Were the spawn rates of Enraged Mobs lowered again? I cannot find any where they used to spawn.... Please keep it high. Thanks.
    smile3 likes this.
  14. Can anybody give a rough estimate of how much the new special items are selling for?
  15. I heard that people were selling zombie viruses for 250-500r.
  16. Only 250-500?
  17. it drops more often then u would think for a rare, but still abit rare.
  18. Hay Aikar did you get the name marlix from the name darlix a bad guy from doctor who?

    Witch also can fly and shoots and has great armor around it :p
  19. There aren't Darlixs in the show…I think you mean Daleks…
    talukegord, mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.