The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Momentus does low damage, but his minions (Enraged Zombies) are summoned frequently, and do a good deal of damage. Also, the thing where he teleports you to him is incredibly annoying when fighting him, as it can easily let his minions get 5-6 hits on you before you get your bearings, or trap you against a wall. I like the idea, and it was fun fighting him, but I died 3-4 times with decent armor and great swords before using Zombie Virus. So I think he is still a little OP and needs some tweaking.
  2. Holy Crap! There are like fire breathing hounds in the Nether.... and they call for backup.... :eek:
  3. wait.... wild shops?
  4. Someone... Should try to... Possibly, make a guide, or something about the new update stuff
  5. I only have the had so far. Pm me if anyone wanst to go hunten with me! Btw wut does a gaint look like?
  6. They are faster and they drop their heads.
  7. 30 block tall zombie
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. *First to POST that he got a marlix bow.
  9. To get the special drops, does the player have to kill the mobs, or can they take other damage?
  10. I will release this detail before people try to form machines to kill things....

    Players have to do a majority of the damage to the mob in order for it to drop rare items. If players try to abuse game mechanics, the damage won't count.

    It also has to be a natural spawn. No spawners will give special items.

    It will also require the player not be in a safe zone for the damage to count too.

    So, fight them fair, or get no rewards :)

    This applies to ALL custom drops, even on the normal monsters, so do not expect to get heads from skeleton and zombie grinders, or items from dark room grinders that use 21 block drops.
    PenguinDJ and Lukas3226 like this.
  12. *Already designed a drowning room* >.< Thank you for the info, and the awesome update:)
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. Question: Are monster heads like Skeleton or Zombie auctioned as a DC, or separately?
  14. I don't think we've established rules on that yet - so please hold.
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  15. Thank you :)
  16. This might just be the rarity of the drops, but when darksuperlord and I were jumping off of the Wastelands spawn onto the ground (grinding for heads), after about 30ish attempts, he ended up with 5 of his heads and I had none. Bug or just not my day?
  17. You were just getting really unlucky. It took me about 50 attempts before I got the first of mine, and then after that I was getting another every few deaths.
  18. Thanks! :)
  19. The giant zombies have been there for a while, in EMC's code, just not spawning.
    Ignoramoose showed me, and a couple others a few weeks ago 2013-05-24_19.00.13.png