The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. *reads forums last night*
    yay no more arguing! seems things are gonna get better!

    *reads forums now*
    Too soon, Koen, too soon :(

    I'm just going to say it. Everybody, DROP IT. The arguments, like everybody has said countless times, gets us NOWHERE but into a bigger mess. I'm respectfully asking EVERYBODY who is a part of the NR to please, for the sake of the nation, swallow your pride and drop it. You do have the right to your opinion, and if you do want to express it, please, please, PLEASE do it respectfully as possible. There is no need to "prove your point" or call people out and such, all you need to do is say;

    Well I agree/disagree, because________________________. Thank You :)

    This way, your opinion has been expressed, people will think better of you for your manners, and WE WILL ALL progress further with the NR!

    I know I have been in my share of arguments before, mainly with Brickstrike, but I realised it was pointless, so I apologized to him and he the same, and now we have 100 times more respect for one another and can work together in the NR.
  2. Took my 30 or some posts for peace into one post and expressed it perfectly for this I commend you.
    KoenJanssen, brickstrike and L0tad like this.
  3. hey there's me building on the right and left!
  4. Everybody: We've had 3 flamewars and I think it's time we CALM DOWN. There is no doubt that this will be the NR's downfall. Now, would you like the NR actually STAYING? Or would you like this to turn into the gigantic hole that was know as the NR?

    SoulPunisher: Yes, you are a former NR member, so guys, why doesn't that allow him to participate on this page? But does that allow you to call us "bloody disgusting"? You are a nice guy (on here, I don't know you in real life :p) but please don't revert to that. I know you have problems with your neighborhood, it seems like a bad place to me too! But please, be nice.

    Napoleon: I like the NR. You like the NR. WE ALL LIKE THE NR. No offence, but you kinda, sorta, are making it worse, per say?

    Koen: I applaud you good sir.

    Everyone else refer to Everybody (Duh, lol)
    L0tad, KoenJanssen and brickstrike like this.
  5. Is there a reason why elections are pushed so far out? It seems to me that an election is needed badly.
  6. Also, forgot to ask, but once elected, how long does the person stay in power (ie. how often are elections held)?
  7. No mean go off topic, but HOLY CRAP.
    93 pages, 18,936 views, and 1,857 replies?!?! :eek:
    L0tad likes this.
  8. Everyone involved in this flamewar should be temporarily revoked from the NR. Until they can work it out, they are simply destructive and prevent us from growing. I also believe we should have some sort of law enforcement, and progress on the judicial system should be handled by members of the original twenty, who are NOT involved in the flame war.
    L0tad likes this.
  9. Not to burst your bubble but, I think that wouldn't be such a good idea.... If they would be revoked for one day I can understand but, any longer than that and it would get a little I don't ridiculous? I know that this is only your opinion on how we can continue growing but, it isn't a really nice thing to do. And by original twenty do you mean only the first twenty people in the NR? If so wouldn't that be Cells A and B?
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  10. We have a judicial system but the laws haven't been enforced toughly lately. I am part of the original 6 and strongly agree that this should be resolved, but if we kick out the people involved in the flame wars, then they would be gone, although it isn't a bad idea, then I think that it might cause more problems.
    KoenJanssen and brickstrike like this.
  11. Cells A+B? I don't know. Please understand that even though they would not be in the NR, they are driving people away when they are. Even if they leave forever, that would be five people gone, over a potential destruction of the entire new republic.
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  12. I'm not saying to kick them out, I'm simply saying they need to be revoked temporarily so they will not be able to cause more damage to the NR, and be punished.
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  13. ^ Players discussing a topic they have different views on in a mannerly fashion. Faith restored <3
  14. Hurray for humans!
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  15. Well it seems people like to mine on the outskirts of Wrem.
    Thought that wasn't allowed.
  16. Please visit the smp7 - Jungle Outpost thread in the Frontier forum to have a guaranteed seizure.
    L0tad and Jake_bagby like this.
  17. So to clarify. I've decided to not completely leave the New Republic. I'll be living on my private island in the east. I am formally resigning from my job as Minister of Infrastructure. I may continue to run for First Minister in the up coming elections. I'll continue helping with highways and the government buildings, but for now, I won't be the Infrastructure Minister. I'm going to recommend ants for the job as he has experience and he is dedicated to the job.

    Also, if any of you doubt my leadership, I'll inform you that my leadership styles have been commended multiple times in AND out of Minecraft(including RL).
  18. Since the Twin Towers are complete (H11 and P11) In Wrem there have been several new announcements.

    First of all is that the H11 tower is the highest building in Wrem and second highest in the NR.
    After waiting for weeks Wrem is going to have a Health Beacon sponsored by the H11 Tower inside it.

    Also me and pat2011 are announcing the M11, It will be a Mall with 3 floors along with several other Skyscrapers around it when Volt builds the capital building. I would also like to remind everyone that it's free to live in the H11 tower.
    pat2011 likes this.
  19. I don't think that will be necessary, smile. Dismissing citizens would hinder our progress. Despite all the wars of words on here, the NR has grown exponentially. I agree with your point on the law enforcement, but I think being a member of the original 20 should have no importance in the matter. In a country like our own a democratically selected team should oversee the development of the judicial system, but that's just my opinion.
    smile3 and rock00888 like this.
  20. ... if u want your properties renovated ... or upgraded. You give me the supplies, tell me what you want done and il build it
    brickstrike likes this.
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