
Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by DemonThunder345, May 21, 2013.

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  1. Yes. Just... Yes
  2. We already do have Utopia with 120x120 plots and even that is hard to fill up. Also, there is rumors about a new server called Dystopia which is the opposite of Utopia.
  3. You know it won't happen.... You said it yourself... Soo.... Why post stuff that's not going to happen in the slightest of chance?
  4. Dystopia... Anyways what else do you guys think should be in it and Ramen... That picture wiz wierd
  5. To make the fourms more interesting and why arent you guys taken it sirruisely...
    It would be a funny joke for Aiakar to make an smp10 for just a daynor two...
  6. and now i know what im going to name my alt
  7. Aiakar?
  8. Oops spelling mistake... Can do alot...
  9. We are taking this seriously…
    Joking by making a random server for just a day or two is a waste of time. Aikar isn't the one running the servers either. Please do some research on making and maintaining a server like EMC before just talking about making a joke server with no real intentions.
  10. This won't be implemented. Pretty much everything you said has been said before and shut down or is not vanilla minecraft and anything thats not vanilla won't be added.
  11. Well we do have some non-vanilla aspects on EMC. We allow some non-vanilla material on EMC, but those are at least reasonable compared to riding ghasts. For example, are our towns ridiculously un-vanilla? No. But an SMP where you could go to the moon? Not even close to regular minecraft gameplay.
    uglydragon likes this.
  12. I found a hole where this idea never existed.

    To put it simply, no.
    AliceF3, mba2012, 72Volt and 4 others like this.
  13. Why this is not a good idea
    • Servers cost money
    • Aikar is busy trolling Coding for EMC like the Dragon Tombs
    • We do not allow plugins unless coded ourselves (Meaning Aikar and Justin)
    • We are french-vanilla server
    • We already have enough servers for now
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  14. Awwwww so no smp10
  15. Nope :) Not the way you see it at least, and definitely not for a long time.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. Uhhhh what is Dystopia anyways...
  17. Not until I can go on and see every server with atleast 50/60 players on.
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