I'm writing an essay on wether or not the death penalty is effective. Before i say my opinion, i would like to hear yours. IS the death penalty effective? Why or why not?
I believe so. Why waste money housing the rapists, murderers and psychos for the rest of their life in a place with 24/7 security, 3 square meals a day, recreation and more?
By any chance, is this a controversial issue project? Because my school has one atm... Back on topic: I think that it is effective, most of the reasons stated before in this thread (dajakoe's post)
If we have put one man or woman to death wrongfully then the practice of administering a death penalty is unjust and ineffective.
Well some times people who are criminals can reform themselves. Plus if we wrongfully accuse someone and they die we can't just say "Oh well" and get over it and act like nothing happened and that we didn't kill an innocent person and maybe made it so that a kid grows up without a dad or a mom and hates the government because of them killing one of their parents or both of their parents.