It was only 5 pieces of wood! xD Guys Guess what? While organizing my accounts I deleted forgetting that on google play I had $100 worth of books on there *MEGA FACEPALM*
I guess my first nooby mistake I should have posted was trying to learn to survive and play by watching Tobuscus :3. I should have just stuck to watching him and not trying to follow his actions after he lost his third house >.>
i didn't know that you could eat in minecraft, so i would kill myself and go from there i also tried hugging a creeper. didn't go so well xD
when i was first introduced to minecraft, everything was awesome and great, same as it is now, and then the night time came, and my life became drastically scary, i screamed at everything.. i hated, HATED mobs with a passion. they scared me to no end, no matter how fake and digital they really are. (this applies to every single game in which things attack you) i have gotten a lot better with them these issues, but don't put too much trust into that, because i cannot play on anything but easy when its late, or too early in the morning, i'm just constantly freaked out. if i still had the conversation i had with Justin last April when he told me he was letting evil mobs in town, i'm sure i'd make everyone piss themselves laughing. i was sooooooooooo not happy at all about that. lmfao, at least i still have these two pictures
When I first started EMC, I went straight to /shop and spent all my rupees, only to find out that it was Way overpriced as compared to peoples shops. Early on in single player, I placed a bed in a 2x1 hole, and when I re-spawned there, I suffocated and died. Now I leave 1 block on all sides of the bed. Learning about F3 and coordinates, in the early days, was good news . Also, it took me a long time before I figured out shortcuts like: 1. Shift-Click to quickly move stacks to/from inventory/chests. 2. That you can drop a whole stack at once by dropping it off your inventory screen (as opposed to pressing Q 64 times lol). 3. That you can often left or right click-and-hold to harvest/plant/build as opposed to a lot of individual clicks. 4. That you can Sell to a EMC shop sign, fast and easy by right-clicking once and Holding right-click. (A lot of people still dont know this one.) 5. That you often have to Sell to EMC shop signs with an Empty hand (or else it will say the chest is full). This one is a daily struggle for a lot of new shoppers who do not know about this bug, I hope they fix it. 6. That, on EMC, you can not sell, in a chest, an enchant with 3 or 4 enchants, it will tell the buyer that the item is out of stock. One and Two enchants are fine, I hope they fix this bug.
Haha I remember that! I saw the "twitter post" on the front page and we were talking about it in town on SMP7. Then I looked out my window and was like "Why is there a spider in my tree?" my sister walked out of the house only to be shoved across the res into the street by a dragon. Town was going crazy and Aikar ripped parts of my res to pieces and helped fix it when it was over. I didn't learn about shift-click until several months after I started playing and I always did the Q spam to drop stuff to people haha. I haven't ran into these glitches but every now and then when I try to sell with items in my hand it acts like I'm trying to build and so I have a block floating in my face and tells me I don't have build.
this wasnt me, but an irl friend bought minecraft about 2 weeks ago, then calls me up asking how to move and place. she had dug herself into a hole in creative and i had to walk her through placing, moving, jumping, sprinting, crafting, more moving, esc key, and save&quit button --__--
First time I played the game, I asked my little brother how to make cobblestone O.O btw I was 18 (now I'am 19 1/2) he was 12
Gosh.. It's been a good few years since I started to play Minecraft. My first world, back when terrain was ABSOLUTELY amazing, there was a naturally generated stone arch, that led into a 50x70 circle, that had trees, flowers and an entrance to a cave. I decided to move there, but made a crap dirt house. My house was overrun by mobs, so I tried to retreat onto the arch. I got there, and there was no shift back then... It was a good 20 block drop and I fell off the edge...
First time playing Minecraft I knew just about all the game mechanics except one how to move, place blocks, open your inventory etc. Also first house I built was made out of birch logs, not planks logs anyways a little after that I wanted a basement of course I had built on the beach and knew not of gravity so I'm digging my basement all the sudden just sand falling everywhere I flipped out not knowing what was happening.