/Map hide, /Map show for Non-Supporters?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by RoamTheEarth, Nov 17, 2012.


Should Non-Supporters have the commands /Map hide and /Map show?

Poll closed Sep 17, 2013.
Yes. Griefers don't need that advantage 17 vote(s) 37.8%
No. Only for supporters. 29 vote(s) 64.4%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Leave it as a supporter perk because if people really want to hide, they'd buy it. Other than that, you play at your own risk being a free player in the wild.
    TomvanWijnen and ZBSDKryten like this.
  2. i agree, you need to think of this both ways, if this option was given to just any1( especially those that have nothing to lose) then even the griefers would have the option to hide and no1 could see them coming either. it states right there in the rules that emc is strickly survival non pvp servers. our hard working mods and admin do their best to keep emc running smoothly and fun for us. but griefers is going to be a never ending battle we must all strive to deal with.

    we as players, not just the mods and admin, must do our part to help in preventing griefers. it's going to happen on occasion, but we can not let the griefer win. yes so we have to rebuild once in a while, ok i say fine, rebuild, catch the jerk and play on. dont sit back, do nothing and complain cuz the griefer wasn't caught in time, thats how the griefer wins.

    as far as giving supporter privledges to every1, well i say no. i bought gold membership not only for helping to keep alive a awesome multi server that i've come to very much enjoy spending my time on, but also because of the perks that come with it. if supporters did not get the option of extra protection perks like map hide then there may not be as many supporters as there are. without us supporters and the great emc staff that we have, emc would not be as successful as it is. our admin are great guys, but people need to remember that it is not cheap trying to run a multi server game like this.
  3. Guys, guys! This really isn't a problem. Sure griefers can follow you on the live map if your not a supporter but that is one of the risks of the wild. If you want your things to remain protected build in town or wait patiently until Aikar releases the Dragon Tomb update to EMC... If you really need to hide from the live map then suck it up and pay $5 a month!
  4. nOt everybody has money but people still dont wanna be greifed
  5. and thats understandable. thats when you get creative and listen to the tips of other players to travel far from spawn when building in the wild and get clever with how you hide your items and chests. even non supporters get a daily log in rupee amount of 100r, so if you at least logged on 10 days in a row, you would have enough rupees from that alone to at least lock 1 chest to place ur most valued items in. people can sell items on their res's to earn even more rupees to save up for locked chests. there is no excuse here people. plan ahead if you want to build in the wild. build far away from spawn even if it takes an hour to walk it. live in the wild if you want to, come into town to sell the items you've mined for rupees and lock ur chests when you have saved up enough. its rather simple a solution if your willing to put the effort into it. not being a supporter is no excuse, not every1 can be, and thats ok, but that is not a good reason for not playing strategically in the battle against griefers. you want convenience and absolute greif proof then live in town, thats why our staff made town just for that purpose. you want pure survival living then build in the wild, but people need to understand that griefers are going to try to be there too. all we can do is do our best to play smart,catch the griefers when they happen, ban them and rebuild.
  6. Then you suck it up and don't live in the wild. Just because you have /map hide doesn't mean that you can't get griefed.
    You wait until Aikar releases the dragon tomb update. Problem solved.
  7. For people complaing about cost's then go make money? Sell and make money. We paid for ours, and don't do the 'Supporter Speech' (If you don't know it I will be happy to tell you ;))