Who would you trust with your account?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PRO_G4NGST4, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Very true. But im pretty sure that this thread is about player1 giving player# their details, not player# asking for player1's details:)
  2. Presumably, but I will just back it up with my Opinion that you should never give your password to anyone, not just staff.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. I trust my alter egos.
  4. LoL, I had to put this....
    But seriously...
  5. I'm in the Nobody camp.
  6. I trust 3...
    Me, myself and I
  7. I think giving out a password to anything associated with the internet, besides to a close loved one is absolutely crazy.
  8. Nobody. Real, or fictional. Of any species. Of any intelligence level.
  9. I could trust one or two members out of this community and from IRL sure,anyone.. (If something happens, I'd just pop in their house the next day with a bat)
  10. My invisible twin sister bob, she is magical, and only I can see her.
  11. Me, myself, I and IamSaj. And yes I am referring to IamSaj in the third person.
  12. The final number of people:
    A big,

    That's right, I don't even trust myself.
  13. *Number
  14. *Yourselves
    as the man is obviously speaking to more than one person

  15. I win, because now we have to get back on topic.
  16. Heeeey, I trust you all. Here's my password: password1 - Not telling you WHAT it's a password to though. ;)
    penfoldex, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and IamSaj like this.
  17. Well my password of course is more advance, Its password89
    Maxarias likes this.
  18. Is it the password to call off the hit on Roger Smith?
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  19. Here is an Encrypted Version of My Password: