smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. it will be a counterpart to it, it will also have homes, various other things, a large park, and a 3rd guest house

    It is ment to last well beyond the lloympics, and encourage people to go the the open space of the west
    and be what i was planing for downtown, the west side
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  2. Just wait until we have finalised what will be in the Olympic Park. It may have another guesthouse too.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Alright. Time for my photos.:D
    2012-10-06_17.10.48.png 2012-10-06_17.10.48.png 2012-10-06_17.13.52.png
    2012-10-06_17.49.30.png 2012-10-06_17.49.39.png 2012-10-06_17.49.47.png
  4. Can i at least work on clearing the land
    Jakres likes this.
  5. HA. Proof that there was a charged creeper!
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  6. *browsing the galleries of the social gathering*

    too bad I could not make it. just got home half an hour ago.
    but glad too see so many people came and it looks like you guys and gals really had fun :)
    also it feels like "meeting in person" helped solve some misunderstanding and personal issues that have been built up over the past weeks. if that is the case maybe we should have weekly meetings like this or generally try to meet in game more often when issues come up. anyway, you people are the best! to be honest there were times since I could not get in game when I was worried but now it seems we are at full speed again :D
  7. So we need an LLO spa / massage studio / chiropractor? ;)
  8. perhaps it can go in my next project, looking for ideas for shops/public buildings
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  9. Why are you making shops in the wild....? I mean most people could just get the resources on their own and the potential for profit goes way down from what it would be while in town.
    Jakres, Dwight5273 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. An attempt to start an economy without the spam of town

    and overpricing, and rude sellers, and stupid deals, and mega stores overpowering small shops
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  11. So, i've been reading this thread for a few weeks, waiting for all the drama to die down, so I can pop up and say hi..
    So.. Hi!
    So, what do I need to go about doing to become a member?
  12. Well here is an example why would I buy something such as iron for idk 10r from you when I could pay around 5-7r in town for it and having the ease of carting said iron to my home with no fear of getting killed.

    Now while in the wild I don't want to buy goods when i could simply find them out in the ground somewhere and spend a few minutes gathering it for free.

    You would also have to be watching the store every second of every minute of every hour of every day just to make sure no one steals, griefs, or just plain old sets your building on fire, unless you want to spend countless amounts of money just to lock up everything.

    Now in all of these scenarios you can notice one thing its not profitable and not wanted.
  13. Introduce yourself on this thread :) welcome to LLO
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.

  14. :) most of my projects blocks are from wild I gather expect for rare blocks or rails to repair the lines
    Jakres and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. It is just an experiment at this point

    I want to see if 2 totally independent economy's can coexist
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  16. Exactly the reason for the wild is to gather the resources you want/need while getting away from town and all the things and people there.
  17. Sorry you didn't feel like you could say something sooner. Maybe that gave u plenty of time to check the website and maps :) Either way, Welcome! and check with someone online if you need help or a guide. I hope to be on soon.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  18. While being an experiment I can already expect the outcome they won't work or coexist, one is and will always be the dominant and superior one while the other is forced under/into a metaphorical corner.
    Jakres likes this.