I remember seeing like 10 Ghasts at once...I thought it was normal in a open space, but what your seeing... It's unatural
jr. took me there, ik nether is like hell...but....it was crazy...all the screams and the explosions everywhere with lava spilling from all sides. it was just, scary
I wouldn't mind so much but they don't despawn and with this many, it's impossible to clean up after them while dodging fireballs and trying to navigate/patch this many craters. If that's not frustrating enough, I'm having MORE lag now that we've "fixed" the lag problem. What makes it even better is I'm having lock up problems too. I'll be in the middle of a bunch of ghast trying to thin them out and boom, I'm at my desktop. I've never had problems like this until the last few days. With them packed so close together, I do enjoy hearing them kill each other with their fireballs at least.
Ghasts are the only mobs that fly, so they have more spaces to spawn in the Nether. The new server update has made them reach their limits, and Aikar has its fix on his list of priorities.