[Feature Discussion] Empire Shop Update v2

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jul 12, 2012.

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  1. I actually really like how this new shop system sounds now :p But I agree with Joshposh, you definitely won't write bad code if you know all of this technological crap but there will be some bugs. Hell, i've been making a mod for a year, released it at 6 months, and now i'm re-writing it, and you're still better than me! :p
  2. Oh, the irony; you're making a system that prevents entrepreneurs making money from shops... yet you advocate this capitalism?

    You want to change EMC so the smart few can't make money from the lazy (in your words) - that won't do it themselves; you don't want people to make there own servers, you want 'em to use EMC. But at the same time you want EMC users to "go to the wild" instead of paying for items from people who can provide them.

    Anyway, it's OK; you're saying "months" so, it's vapourware.

    Hopefully it'll disappear before it ruins EMC.
    roblikescake, MR2R2M and Joshposh70 like this.
  3. I HATE this new shop idea. All u need to do is fix enchantment signs on the existing system and then we are good.
    bloodra1n, AlexChance and Herbrin3 like this.
  4. You just summed up everything we've been debating :D
    MR2R2M and Joshposh70 like this.
  5. Yup... And I don't even own a big mall or anything, just an enchantment shop that I'm remodeling.
    Joshposh70 likes this.
  6. Can't read.... Could you write this into a book when 1.3 comes out for me?
  7. Ok so if you're not a major shop owner, why do you hate it then?

    Explain please why you do not want to be able to save time when buying items?

    No, Justin is. Justin is still alive... just with his RL priorities hes keeping a hold of high priority things atm (like making sure the servers are running, and updating to 1.3.1)

    Please stop referencing the wild. It's getting extremely annoying. This update is to help people EVEN MORE to not have to go to the wild.

    So, are you opposed to Ebay/Amazon then? Ebay/Amazon gives ALOT more power to SMB's and consumers, giving SMB's exposure, and consumers more choices, control and efficiency for buying and selling.

    This is what we are doing. We are progressing with the times. We are taking the shop system to modern times.
  8. At this point, I'm going to say that anyone who claims this is going to "ruin emc" is simply trying to troll Aikar.
    margaritte and mba2012 like this.
  9. I am quite looking forward to the shop update. I'm keeping an open mind and when it is up and running and I can see it for myself THEN I will put input. I'm sure that if Justin/Jeremy/Aikar/all the staff work out that it is not functioning as well as hoped then they will work to make it better.

    You don't know if you'll like it unless you try it ;)
    mba2012 and IcecreamCow like this.
  10. That's all we're asking. I'd say we've done a good job so far with knowing how to keep this community going strong in the world of minecraft, and if anyone thinks we're plotting ideas that are going to "destroy" it, you've got some issues to work out with yourself, haha.
  11. Oh NO! The creators and owners of EMC are plotting to destroy Empire Minecraft. Makes perfect sense
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Could you please explain how not everyone has to use the new system, whilst they are still being affected by it?

    I have been seeing people argue that you don't have to use the new system just because you have a shop, but in reality you do. You stated you were adding a command to find the cheapest prices for an item, and another command for finding the highest sell prices of an item. That's merely reselling simplified into a noob friendly manner for mass rupees profit. This will in turn cause angry shop owners, as you have seen before, due to alwayls being out of stock or fully stocked due to resellers. Shop owners will start banning players from their shops for reselling items, and you will end up getting complaints in PM, /reports, and threads argueing the fact that they were banned from a shop.

    I get that you are trying to modernize the economy and make it easier to use, but was there anything even wrong with it as it is? We only wanted enchants selling in chests to be fixed. This shop idea should have been more thought out and put into a proposal phase to see if we would actually want something like it first rather than making threads saying "Oh, we have this new system, like it or don't reply."

    That is whats giving such negatives comments to this thread and/or causing more threads to pop up on the issue. Reconsider your options to see what the community thinks is best for them, not just the staff.
    AlexChance and Herbrin3 like this.
  13. whoa whoa noone has even tried this new system yet. Are you all ignoring what has been said. ICC clearly stated that if the new system doesnt work out than it can easily be altered or removed. So i think everyone needs to calm down and at least give this a weeks trial, if you still dont like it then im sure ill see alot of annoying ranting posts all over the forums, but yeah my points is give it a trial first :)
    IcecreamCow and hayleycolgan like this.
  14. That's exactly the point of the upgrades. While a few major shop owners will have to adjust just a little bit, the majority of the community will see a very positive benefit from this. Aside from the group of people that already said they love the idea, you have to remember, that there are a ton more that aren't so vocal about it, because they don't need to be.

    Aikar posted his main idea, a few of the big shop owners tore it to shreds and made suggestions and he completely recreated it based on the suggestions of those few. At that time, a group of that already small % of people who were unhappy, were now happy with the idea.

    The changes are fantastic for the community. I'm not sure how 'the staff' or any wild player gets any real huge advantage out of this. Take Aikar for example. He's like probably some odd 100k out in the wild. In order to sell stuff, he still has to travel back that 100k to town with only what he can carry on his back. He still has to setup a shop and then has to travel back to his base. The only difference now is, he might get to make a few rupees on that little package of items he brought back to town with him at some point (and only if he has one of the lowest prices).
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  15. Yes, exactly - and that's part of the challenge of minecraft. If it was all super-easy, it'd be no fun at all.

    Edited moments later: Sorry, forget that; I misunderstood your point. Please delete this posting if you like.
  16. Depends on how you look at it. People play for different things. Some major shop owners stay in town and play the buy/resell game 95% of the time and that's fun to them. It's all relevant to each person what is fun.
  17. Unfortunately, in 1.3 "Ender chests" mean users no longer have to haul things back :-(

    I don't like that, because I think it removes part of the challenge.
  18. With it only being the size of a single chest, and the fact that they still have to go all the way back to town to unload that chest, there is still some challenge there for those that use it. If you think it's a bad addition though, simply don't use them. I'm sure some players refuse to use certain items/features as it makes the game not fun for them all the time.
  19. Just use an alt-account to unload it. Meh; too easy.
  20. Oh wait... that probably won't work, eh? One per user, right? Hmm... ok, maybe it's not such a big deal as I thought.
    It'll make fetching glowstone easier though; I'm sure everyone who has collected glow has dropped a ton in lava on the way home.
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