[Feature Discussion] Empire Shop Update v2

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jul 12, 2012.

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  1. ^^^ I remember either Aikar or IcC mention that it won't be till after 1.3. They never listed a specific time of release
  2. It'll buy from multiple stores regardless of if 1 person has enough stock to meet the order.

    Say 3 players are selling Diamonds for 40r (all same price), each player has 6 diamonds, and you do /shop quickbuy diamond 6

    it will purchase 2 diamonds from each of the 3 players, giving every player a sale who has the same cheapest price.

    Say a 4th person sells 10 for 42r, and you do quickbuy for 20, you will buy 6 from player 1, 6 from 2, 6 from player 3, and player 2 from player 4

    It will distribute your order out for the lowest price it can, and give all sellers equal opportunity on their item being sold.

    So essentially, theres no reason to undercut.

    As for timing, it wont be until 1.3 that I even get some access for development, and itll likely take 1-2 months to finish this...

    Then there's also other stuff that I might touch first. I've got tons of ideas brewing in the staff forums :) We will bring the ideas to you guys as we polish them out.

    So no, not any time soon sorry.
  3. It only looks confusing because he is trying to explain it to everyone. Once you actually use it and learn it it will be much more understandable and you will get it =P .. But i understand and i love it . Good job guys!!!
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  4. Pearsonally, I think you should have just enough supporters to make money to keep the server and web page on
  5. What point are you trying to make with this statement? Are you trying to say we should not have too many supporters and should not make any profits?

    The rest of this post isn't specifically to you, in case that isn't what you meant...

    We had an incident just the other day with someone complaining about EMC having profits. This should be of noones concern. EMC is, and has always been a business. it is a for profit company. Money drives innovation and desire. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Justin making profit off EMC, as that was A goal. A companies goal is to make money. If you're not making money, your company does not succeed.

    EMC is unique though, its a company that's backed by a community. It's a company that listens to its community.

    The financial state of this company is of no players concern. So many people on the internet act like its "wrong" to make money on the internet. I don't know why people think this, but that kind of thinking is wrong.

    Remember, the more profits EMC brings in, the more drive Justin has behind EMC, and the more things he can do with it. In the end, its better for all the players.

    Spending hours upon hours of your personal time (you know, away from his family), and getting no compensation for that... that will burn you out and you'll eventually not want to do it. But when you actually get paid for it, and your running a successful business, the drive is and stays there.

    Please don't worry about the finances of EMC, and just focus on playing the game and suggesting and helping us shape features.
  6. I believe that Mcdonalds should only sell enough burgers each day to pay for the cost of their burgers!
  7. and...
  8. Sorry. Forgot to add /sarcasm
    Olaf_C and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  9. Yeah think of how many people make a living off youtube. There is nothing wrong with a business on the internet. Technically whenever we log onto the server to play we are customers of the server. We don't realize it, however we are, and there is nothing wrong with that.
  10. honestly i think making a profit on emc everyone is just jelous and i think its a good idea to make a little money along with making people happy
  11. It appears that this thread has derailed a bit.

    Getting things back on topic, has there been a final decision on a delayed listing based on certain criteria (like undercutting)? I'm asking because I'm not a huge fan of the idea; I'm not thrilled to slow down a virtual system that should be instant. Convenience was originally a high priority. I think this would kill PART of the convenience factor and IMHO I don't think undercutting will be a huge problem for reasons already stated by others (like large shops buying out the low sellers). It would be very frustrating to put something up for sale just to find out that it isn't going to be viewable by others for a while.
  12. I think we might have had an idea that ANY change on a shop sign will have some sort of delay from adding to the search, whether it be undercutting or overpricing for it to be fair. I might have missed something though, not sure.
  13. Thanks for the response, I think I am missing something as well. What is the point in this delay?

    EDIT: I'm certainly not trying to be argumentative here, I just don't understand the delay, which is probably why I don't agree with the delay.
  14. It would prevent say two people from changing their price over and over again, which would end up in a constantly changed search list over and over. If there's a delay and people don't see that change immediately, they'll simply just pick a price they want, and let it sit.
  15. I have an idea. What if you wanted to trade items and not get ruppes. It could be useful because i know that Optimism is doing a trade for cobble and diamonds. If she put a stack of diamonds in the vault chest and then whoever has the cobble could type something in and trade the cobble for a diamond. (Sorry if this has been already disscussed.)
    Faithcaster likes this.
  16. So my main goal with it was to only apply to repeat undercutting.

    Give people flexibility to sell their items and only apply the delay if your being unfair with your prices.

    The method Jeremy stated with it applying to EVERY price change I believe would upset alot of people and remove a bit of freedom in adjusting prices.

    I believe my initial design with progressive increments based on multiple instances of bad behavior will be a good first approach, and then everyone who partakes in the economy in a fair manner will be able to sell their items instantly.

    If we start to see problems we will adjust, and we welcome any feedback of critical design flaws with this idea.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Not too bad of an idea, but will be a bit difficult with signs... it's something we can consider down the road as a future update.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. OK, that makes sense, but raises a couple follow up questions:
    -Would their be some sort of MSRP for each item so that you don't have to study the market or run a search every time you want to list something?
    -If there is no MSRP, then would you at least get a warning before being placed in the waiting queue (allowing you to adjust the price if you don't wish to wait)?
  19. :( ok
  20. So, um, yeah:

    I've noticed some people dislike the idea, it may be confusing but it sounds like a good step for the EMC economy.
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