EMC financial Situation?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nerone94, Aug 4, 2012.

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  1. me and faith had a race from one side of town to the other :p
  2. best way to express that
    Dwight5273 and JabrZer0 like this.
  3. Omg, i was thinking of the scene for family guy when i was typing my last comment
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  4. when i read it i immediately thought of this clip
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  5. First of all, i posted something like this a while back. STOP the arguing people! nerone is right about this, 50% or even more of you need to grow up or something seriously its bad.
    In relation to the "im ashamed with all of you"- Its not all of us!

    Now to the main topic, I think its fair justin and ICC get some profit. It is their servers afterall.
    MR2R2M and PandasEatRamen like this.
  6. I don't pay to donate i pay to be in Utopia damn it! lol
  7. Again, I agree with most of what he said, and all of what you said. I just don't agree with the way he said it. He said it in just as bad a way as the worst of them. If you check out the thread I linked to earlier, you'll find my comments on the lack of respect and reason that seems in some places to have taken over parts of EMC. I'll say one other thing, too: For the past few weeks, I have only rarely seen the type of arguing and anger we're talking about here. I've seen it a few times on the forums, but it's always been set off by a nasty post by some well-known member of the Empire. People read the bad post and react to how its written. It's not just what's IN the post. Take this thread for example. Some people agreed with the first post, though most didn't. He did get the answers to his questions though. The initial answers weren't the nicest things in the world, but I think they matched the level of maturity of the original post. It was only after he posted an angry rant in response to these that the flaming began...

    PS- yea I know I said I was going to sleep, but I lied :D
    killerbyte12 and Dwight5273 like this.
  8. To answer your question:

    Last time I read something it said that all supporters donated to EMC. However, if Justin and ICC started making a small profit off of EMC recently (which I think they have begun to do) I couldn't blame them - we have grown so much and it's their business if they do want to make a profit.

    I think Coph's big shot at ICC recently arose questions about how money is spent from supporters, but to be honest, it's none of our business. It's not like we pay to get a full service. No, we pay to get extra perks or some of us pay to support EMC so we're not forced to subscribe. I have no issue with them profiting off us as long as the site is edited to show that they do profit accordingly.

    Just my opinion, not 100% sure if they do earn. :)
    Dwight5273 and Terminator908 like this.
  9. Although I do consider you a friend nerone, I would like to say that I believe I more often than not have intelligent conversations, or at least reply with civil, understandable messages. I also believe that you are right in some aspects, with people being rude and shutting out any new ideas, but there are some of us who look at a post and will answer/discuss it in a grown matter.
    I love new ideas, I have suggested some myself, and I'm not going to shoot anyone down that has a suggestion or does not know the answer to (what some people may think is) a simple question..
    The main problem I have with this post is your attitude. I'm not going to go into it, but you are shutting people down as much as you think others are doing in the community also. Please have a think about what you are saying. I would hate to see you go.

    EDIT: I suppose I should attempt answering your original question. EMC is a business. They need the money to be able to repay the servers, and that is not cheap. I highly doubt that Justin, or Jeremy, are rolling in the big bucks whilst having to pay for 10 servers etc. and to be honest, I wouldn't care if they got a bit of my donation money. I chose to pay for this, and they have worked hard to provide me with a fun environment.
  10. how's your part of "hell" this is all that happens in mine
  11. I actully agree with you, someone like you allways rises up from the wall of sheep following the leader and wants improvements and are usually banned

    Some of the money probrally helps 'em out, but the subscription thing, in my opinion, is the most CHEEP AS THING i've ever seen, come on, you can't do a subscription system on a game you did not make, its soo cheap.

    Ofcourse if it was a $5 subscription system for diamond membership, it would be fine, but $20 (P) month, what do they think this is!?

    If staff were more active on all servers, perhaps it woulden't be that big of a deal, though, that's not the case.
  12. Supporters do not pay $20 a month just for perks, it is so that the empire can continue to grow and get better.
  13. This:
  14. that scared me so much when i saw it
    PandasEatRamen likes this.

  15. what i did
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  16. My post quoted sums stuff up pretty well, but as for the quarms about donations and profit..

    No, profits do not mean you can't call it a donation.

    Subscription = Required
    Donation = Optional

    Thats all they simply mean. You're not REQUIRED to donate to EMC, so its a donation instead of a subscription.

    However, the context of setting up a contract to pay automatically each month is still a "subscription" in definition but not the same context, which is why the wording is used on the upgrade page.

    You don't have to go update the copy on the website every month that the donations surpass the bills.. Were not GUARANTEED to pay the bills each month with the donations.

    Regardless, the finances are of no concern. If your happy with the service and have extra cash, you can throw some to EMC's way.

    If your not happy, then don't donate.

    Donations are a simple way of saying 'thank you for your awesome service'. It doesn't matter how much the bills are covered.

    As for the community tone aspect of your post. Yes some people can be agressive. However, you also seem to be upset that every idea is shot down.

    I'm sorry, but we cant just accept every idea. We can only accept ideas we fill fit into what we want EMC to be. There has already been many post that I've posted on stating its something we had planned or going to investigate.
  17. I have a question for you. With the knowledge that Justin and myself have easily over thousands of hours each put into EMC to keep things running smoothly, would you not consider our TIME a part of growing and maintaining the servers? I'll give you your answer in the shortest easiest to understand way I can.

    EMC is a business, not a non-profit charity. Any money that comes in, will always go towards the priority of keeping the servers running AWESOME for you to play on, whether you're one that's paying or not. If there is some extra laying around after that, would you really feel the need to protest Justin or I buying a bit of food with it to keep our energy level up while we keep an eye on EMC from waking moment to the minute I go to sleep? I'm on a computer most of the day and always have my e-mail and EMC site up and running (I usually have a good 10-12 tabs of EMC at once, haha) and a few for Square. If I'm not at my computer, I have it on my phone and check it whenever I can, depending where I am.

    I can't count the times that someone needed Justin's help at 3 or 4 AM when he probably had to be up at 6 or 7 for work and I called him to fix it. He got up, no questions asked and got it done. He always made a point to me to always call him, regardless of the time, if something went wrong.

    If that REALLY bothers you, I'd simply suggest cancelling your supporter membership and continue to enjoy our servers FREE OF CHARGE to you. :)
  18. gnyctk, HylianNinja, nab27 and 5 others like this.
  19. That was amazing.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and mba2012 like this.
  20. Nobody is forcing you to pay - if you don't like it, don't do it
    gnyctk, battmeghs and Dwight5273 like this.
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