Happy Birthday EMC / 1.3 Wild Reset / Feature Updates!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 25, 2012.

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  1. Happy birth day EMC, Ive been around for about 200 days of it, here's to many more years of fun and frolics
  2. The Wild will be reset to fill in the crappy part people mine out in the Periodic Reset Area, the Wild Reset they're not doing is resetting the entire thing. That's what everyone was mad about, they didn't want the entire thing reset just to fill that part in and to add new stuff that could be found in the unexplored parts.
  3. All I can say is happy birthday EMC. Enjoy some cake.
  4. Are You Sure Aikar is the wild "king"? Ive been in the wild for several months at my camp :D

    I may not inform everybody though, just friends and occasionally to other people. I still respect him, BUT I WANT DAT' TITLE :0
  5. This is just amazing what everyone in the EMC Staff and Supporters and many people in the EMC Society had organized. One comment for Mystul if he reads this page.... Go to 912 and step on that teleporter then go up that ladder.... U mad bro?
  6. Thank you for the rupees, and Happy Birthday Empire! I'm glad I have the opportunity to be part of this amazing community, and I'm soo happy I did the google search for a "non-pvp Minecraft server" almost 3 months ago. <3 <3
  7. really excited for the new updates!
  8. Happy Birthday EMC!
  9. Geez... Banned on the day of the server's birthday :(
  10. This was on Thursday. And that's why you don't grief! D:

  12. 1.3 already came out. You just need to download it.
  13. In my opinion, an update's never out until EMC's updated to it ;)
    (A cringily cheesy thing to say, but it's the EMC birthday thread, so hey)
  14. 1.3 has not been released.

    There is a 1.3 pre-release available for download. That's pre- as in, before.

    1.3 is scheduled for release on 1 August. Some time after that, EMC will be updated, and allow people to use 1.3. But you need to check for announcements on the forum.

    Do not upgrade until you've seen instructions from EMC.

    (Unless you really know what you're doing, and run multiple versions)
    chickeneer and Twitch1 like this.
  15. if only mine was growing uncontrollably...
  16. OK MOM haha jk :)
  17. I upgraded for nothing then :|
  18. Lol so im wasting rupees XDI hope my res doesnt get deleted.
  19. Just force update and you will go back to 1.2.5 :-/
  20. You made that?
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