smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. So... Thats why we have the LLOPD right Chief? To keep griefers at bay!
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Yes. Also I removed my signature for my LLOPD to make room for dragon eggs. It doesnt take up too much space so I will add it again.
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  3. Well sense i got tired of using everyone elses sugarcane farm and felt bad for taking it, I made my own.
    This sugarcane farm should harvest 984 sugarcane or 15stacks with and extra 24 sugarcane. If anyone would like to use it please contact me until I state otherwise (as soon as the library is done) which will then become a public use sugarcane farm. This farm is located next to the NLL (Northern Light Library) and was built by myself and madbullman. I would post a screenshot but its to big XD
  4. Then take two or three :D

    I was fine with you using mine... I never really did...
    Jakres likes this.
  5. ^ saw that coming just replace it with light blue wool or yellow wool
  6. The LLOPD needs You! The LLOPD needs more members, all are welcome! Just Pm me you want to join, and I'll look at some things, and then I will get back to you! Currently, we only have 5 members, I think.
    So anyways, please join!
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Maybe iron blocks? Iron is common enough and still looks nice.
    Jakres likes this.
  8. Still will be a griefing target. The LLOPD cant be everywhere at once.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. It will only be 150r... I wouldn't go for it as a griefer cause its to out in the open for only 150
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Maybe we cant place the logo somewhere else this time?
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Why? That was a nice place.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Its right there, right infront of the griefer's eyes.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Who thought it was a great idea to make our logo out of DIAMOND???? LOL

    I like the idea of rebuilding it out of wool. Still looks nice (at least on my texture pack), and isn't valuable enough to steal, or replace if it gets torched.

    Also, I moved the mooshroom station that was previously in front of Philo Tower to just a few blocks South along the same road. It is now closer to Steve's old house. (btw, when is Steve coming back?) ;D
    Jakres and matthew12hydro like this.
  14. Its also right in front of our eyes... Easy to watch, easy to see.
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Why dont we just build it out of wool, like this guy said
    Jakres likes this.
  16. :) i did, I remake when I get on
    Jakres likes this.
  17. Northern Light Library.

    Well as we have discovered... it takes alot of sugar cane to make 810 bookshelves, infact we still haven't finished it. I would like to thank our donators:
    Zulu9 for use of his sugarcane farm and 6 stacks of sugarcane plus a little bit more
    creepincreepers7 Use of his sugar cane farm
    Watk(sorry i don't know the numbers) 2 or more stacks of bookshelves
    OrangePie - Use of his sugar cane farm
    madbullman- help building the giant sugar cane farm

    Now onto the real bisuness about the library.

    With my "vision" for the NLL EVERYONE will want to see it! In order for this to work the library can only be open when a librarian is there. sense this is so, i would like to have 4-6 librarians so many people will have a chance to check out a book. If you would like to be a librarian please read on so you know what you would do.

    How the NLL will be ran:

    I. Before Entering
    Outside is a little "yard" where you may hang around near. Near the entry doors is a food station, please feel free to take as many bowls from the chest as you would like, but please don't shear or kill the mooshroom.
    II. Apon Entry
    When you enter you will see a fountian. Around either side leeds to the books and frontdesc.
    III. Looking for Books
    When you look for books click(right) on a bookshelf. In the bookshelf there will be up to 5 books. You are aloud to take a book out and skim through it to see if you want it. If you skim through it and decide you don't want that book please put it back in its proper place before moving on to look at other books.
    IV. Checking Your Book out
    Once you have found your book go up to the front desc. At the front desc you will use the command "/tell [librariansname]" to start a private conversation with the librarian. The conversation will go something like this:
    **Bob: "Hi, I would like to check out a book"
    **Librarian: "Okay great, what is the book title, author, and where is it located?"
    **Bob: "MobHunting by PixelArt on A1(see VI)"
    **Librarian: "Okay Please wait."
    the librarian then opens the chest and pulls out the correct record book and changes "MobHunting-PixelArt" to "Mobhunting-PixelArt-CO-Bob
    **Librarian: "thankyou for your patience, you maay leave but please return the book within 130 hours (5 days)"
    V. Returning Your book
    When you return your book please walk up to the front desc. You again will start a private conversation with the librarian.
    **Bob: "Hi, I'd like to return my book."
    **Librarian: "Okay, please send it in."
    The librarian then looks at the title and finds it in the correct recording book. Then changing the descriction back to "MobHunting-PixelArt"
    **Librarian: "Okay your book is checked in"
    VI. Codes for the Shelves
    The codes go for each Row and Side. A would be the right hand side (your left when you first walk in.) 1 would be the first row. (closest to the doors.) So A1 would be the first row on the righthand side.
    VII. Fees
    Yes Fees will apply

    Everyday past 130 hours (5 days) cost 15r per day it is late, so if you are 3 days late you will be charged 45r
    If the book is stolen, lost, or destroyed a 300 rupee fine is charged to replace that book *Certain Books may cost more, you will be alerted of the amount if it costs more by the librarian before you leave"
    If the book is not in (checked out) you may request the book to be reserved for a small fee of 10 rupees, this is only so that people don't request books unless they accually want them. Once the book is in the librarian will send you a private message on the site saying your book is ready and you have 24 hours to come get your book before it is put back on the shelves.
    VIII. Sell/Donating us books
    Well I'm absolutly positive that you won't come to the library if I am the only Author the library has books from. So to fix that the library will buy your books and execpt donations.

    For Now We will Only Execpt Donations
    Thank you and sorry for any inconvience

    To Zulu/other library owners - if you would like to do book trades contact me (cmbcody)

    Librarians so far:
    1. cmbcody (me)
    2. penfoldex
    3. madbullman
    4. luke4214
  18. There's a massive house just along from the guesthouse covered in glowstone that hasn't been griefed so we're probably pretty safe to use it.
  19. Yeah wool could work to replace the LLO logo. It's easily accessible.

    Sorry I haven't been on lately. My schedule keeps flip flopping, on top of that I've felt like dirt, homesick, blah. Been playing other games. *LE GASP!* I come check the forums though. If you just want to talk to me I have Steam and I think ever instant messenger there is.
    Jakres likes this.
  20. Same as me altought i have it guaranteed that i visit there atleast Once in 2 weeks :D
    Jakres likes this.