smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I moved here two years ago and the only family I have seen since was my sister when she came to visit for a week last year. It basically came down to us losing 3 homes, 2 jobs, the job currently flip flops him and doesn't pay enough yet if he can't go into work they will work you out of the schedule until you're gone and money not wanting to workout for us. My mom promised to help but when it came time to do so something "suddenly happened and she didn't have the money" aka "never had the money but don't wanna tell the truth."
    Jakres likes this.
  2. The new transferring rail line is now up. The rail line is connecting the obsidian line to the end of the brown line near the tree farm by doing this. their is now somewhat of a beltway going to Center LLO, North LLO, East LLO , and Southeast LLO :) enjoy riding on it

    -sidenote- someone greifed the crypt and obsidian gen, i have replaced the missing items so just keep your eye. That player is still around, I believe the player is a kid because it senseless damage owell never know until we catch him or her
    Jakres, zulu9 and cmbcody like this.
  3. After a tour of the Umbrella Corp from Havockstorm, he discovered matthew12hydro's house nearby and wants it moved due to how close it is to the Umbrella Corp. Just a note. As for the NLL, we are currently near finish and will notify you when the library is done and opened.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Not sure who Palmsugar and watk4219 are but they're at the outpost atm.

    Also where is matthew12hydro's house?
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Watk4219 is a member. Palmsugar…idk. And matthew12hydro's house is to the west of Umbrella Corp I believe.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. alright, lets rebuild it out of wool, i will set up a chest outside my shop for donations

  7. According to this image:
    |||||| Creepy Corp. |||||| House 1 |||||| House 2 |||||| House 3 |||||| Poor desert

    I see no issue with any of the houses except maybe House 1. They have plenty more wild to mess up and use. If it's House 1 then yeah I guess that could be a bit too close.
  8. Hi, sorry if Palmsugar and I (Watk4219) bothered anyone. We were exploring caves under our house and stumbled onto someone elses property. We left as soon as we could find nearest exit. Sorry for any problems this caused but we were careful not to disturb anything.

    Palmsugar would like to be added to members list, we share a house together.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. haha np, I have explore alot the caves system in LLO all of them connect to other mine base's on accident
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Me and pen found a flyer. Bigdavie banned him, but we dont know if he looted anything. Also, he killed two mooshrooms. :(
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Weird griefing at the concert hall. Lots of broken glass, all the wheat from the farm taken, snow golem killed.
    It looks like the griefer came in from the jungle side and went straight trough. Exept 1 iron door nothing of value was taken. So I think it was the rude dumb kind of griefer not some planned heist.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Wasn't an issue if you're members. I just didn't know if you were or not. But since we've had so many griefings some of us worry :)
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  13. Might have been the flyer. He flew near it to.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Sounds like that might be the one that destroyed parts of the glass dome, took my wheat and iron door and killed my snow golem,
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Sp we have to play the waiting game now, and someone killed the guardian of the North :/
    Jakres likes this.
  16. K me just trying to play detective here but....

    Could they be hitting us because they think we're doing it to them? The leader seemed to have a thing against us and trying to recruit people to his compound. They could be doing it trying to "get their name on the maps" as they want. Or it could just be coincidence? :confused:
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I understand. LLO is worth protecting. So many wonderful creations. I've only been here a few days, but I look out for people who seem newer than me and greet them; to make them feel welcome and to let them know that there are people who care about the community around. Thanks for being generous by letting new people join.
  18. A while ago while I was on I went to the mooshroom farm to get a new mooshroom for my food station but while i was trying to get one lightning struck and killed all but 2 of them. I procided to breed the two available and to start rebreeding I'm sorry about this but lightning caused the damage. I'm staring this so everyone knows that it wasn't a grief.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  19. So they want to go to the matresses eh?
    Jakres likes this.
  20. ~Lost~ But I know when the one guy came back from his ban he was all "Kinda funny how this came up while I was off EMC" and saying LLO is Chaotic. He was asking me in /tell to join.
    Jakres likes this.