So I just started being trendy like everyone else and got one of these new Dragon Cave eggs as my signature and it turns out the one I got is pretty rare haha. Oh how pathetic I'm so bored I actually posted this. Did you guys know these had rarity statuses? Check out the rare one by clicking on the bronze egg.
Basically just collect them and they grow into dragons. There's a ton they all look cool, basically adds some spice to your sig. Take a look:
I have eggies too. I think you have a very rare one, a Bronze Tinsel Dragon, I christmas special. Not sure though, since I only started like a week ago.
Eh, the good 'ol days when I used to have a Gold Tinsel, Siver Tinsel, and all of The Legendary Trio. Not to mention one of those weird trees (I forget what they are called). As you can probably tell, I quit a long while ago. Good luck with your eggs!
Yea totally! I researched these things too haha and found out the rares and Holiday Specials and whatnot!
lol yea these dragon eggs get a bit crazy! But they look so cool. I click all dragons!! I don't have an egg atm, but will get some later. Also, this link was given to me to get enough clicks/views to grow mine. Not sure if you knew about it or not.
Sweet thanks for the link ! And yea I love these things, maybe because I used to be huge into Pokemon until they stopped putting effort into making new ones. Lol I clicked all your dragons disregarding the fact they're all grown already XD.