Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by IamSaj, Jul 9, 2012.


Is the Top 5 Creations a good idea?

Yes 131 vote(s) 64.2%
No 9 vote(s) 4.4%
IceCreamCow approves (For IceCreamCow) 64 vote(s) 31.4%
  1. I just was rushing myself :)
    I guess you can call it a abstract house? :confused:
  2. one question could the creation be in the wild???
    IamSaj likes this.
  3. Reserved for my pics!
  4. tuqueque likes this.
  5. That was a long time ago.. I have a bit more now.
  6. lololol.JPG
    i think i am the 1000th viewer
  7. Ok... guess it's going to need a lot of wool then...
    IamSaj likes this.
  8. Yep
  9. I will be donating a stack of diamonds for this! Can you put up a chest or something where I can put the diamonds?
    IamSaj likes this.
  10. You making a pixel-art? I made one myself, but I don't think I will be entrying with it :p
  11. you should it would win hands down!
  12. 10417. I'll put up a chest for you at the store.
  13. I builded something in my singleplayer to but someone deleted the world when i was done!!!Lol
  14. Sounds awesome.
    IamSaj likes this.
  15. You can't submit your creation if built in Singleplayer with exception of xI_LIKE_A_PIGx as we changed the rules after he submitted his.
  16. can we enter more than one?
  17. Awesome! I love this idea! first things first... finish my 60 by 60 mall :p
  18. Theres so sense crying over every mistake you just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
  19. I'm probably going to enter my 2 pixel art creations soon when my mycel finishes growing!