ok so my favorite event every year is the Secret Santa. I did it last year, and it worked out great. all you have to do to join is reply to this thread before December 20th. I will get everyone's names on access chests on v 10104 on smp5. you will have until the 25th of December to get your chest filled for your person and then access sign will change to their name. Everyone will get something even if your Santa doesn't give you anything. Let me know if you have any questions. People that are in: Sharpie42 MoreMoople LindenNZ ThaKloned ultipig Trwe Yixomua Sefl 99marvel weeh naMrorriM Daxxus _Nephy_ LunarEndergirl Dreacon78 FakeIdea Crystaldragon13 Triphora XxartboyxX We3_10AC Upmostlocket106 FierendenMDS TECtock Gianluca99Star jayjay_11 Raaynn ClayPlatypus Twixie23 HazardousCode FirestormFMD