Progryck head games (giveaway)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Progryck, Apr 9, 2023.

  1. Hey everyone, Welcome to another round of head games.

    This time I have multiple versions of my head on the chopping block.
    If you want to earn one you must complete one of the tasks below.
    Some tasks are easy, some tasks are a bit harder, but everyone should be able to complete at least one.

    For your convenience I have separated the challenges in different groups, depending on what kind of head you can earn.
    Please check the description in each challenge and feel free to ask questions/help each other in this thread. Good luck to everyone.

    My Buildteam(™) head. This head is one I often give away to players that participate in our build team events and show enthusiasm or resourcefulness while completing the event.
    Everyone may claim 1 buildteam head for the 2024 spring event.

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: Raaynn

    Find a hidden estate, standing in a rotten state.
    In order to find the treasure, you must endure great pressure.
    For those of you who have not ceased, aim your eyes between south and east.
    What you are looking for is not hard to see, for my greatest treasure is ____.

    What is this treasure? Post a screenshot of this treasure in this thread, first person wins this head.

    Heads to earn: 2
    Claimed by: Fred_TWK , Daanhu

    I was heading to the event but got a bit lost. Can you find me?

    Take a screenshot of where you found an armorstand of me and post it in this thread, first person wins this head.

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: MissBonnieParker

    A traveling artist is visiting town. Creating flowers and placing them down.
    Red, Yellow, Purple and Blue. “How many flowers?” I ask of you.

    Send me in a private message how many of each color of giant flower there are in the entire event to claim this head.

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: sonicol

    Find the flower mastermind and become their next apprentice.

    Send me in a private message the correct order of flowers to claim this head.

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: Atels

    A leaning tower stands tall, tangled with vines and flowers.
    Not much to do up there but read books.
    From top to bottom, how many books are missing?
    Send me in a private message the correct code to claim this head. Hint: code is 4 digits

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: -

    A colorful code was strung up high, for all the world to see.
    The line up top, read downstream, now tell this code to me.

    Send me in a private message the correct code to claim this head. Hint: code is 4 colors

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: -

    Flowers will bloom in every spot, whether ice cold or boiling hot.
    Find them growing more prickly than all, tell me their colors from large to small.

    Send me in a private message the correct code to claim this head. Hint: code is 4 colors

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: -

    For the speedrunners among us. Provide video proof of how fast you can complete the entire event. Fastest time before the end of the year wins this head.

    A limited edition head made to commemorate the sands of Eburu event in 2022.

    Heads to earn: 1
    Claimed by: Atels

    In the long lost past of 2022 I joined buildteam, and “Sands of Eburu” was the first event I helped with.
    It seems some parts of that event have made their way into this event.

    Hidden in a secret pyramid, someone was locked away.
    Take a screenshot of this buried person and post it in this thread, first person wins this head.

    A commemorative head made for the 2024 spring event.

    In order to claim this head you will have to be creative and submit one of the following tasks.
    Everyone can claim 1 flower crown head per forum account.
    I will judge every submission and award heads accordingly.

    winners so far:

    Take a nice screenshot in the event.

    -Picture must be taken inside the spring event 2024. Shaders/texture packs are allowed.
    -Post the picture to this thread including a short explanation why you think it fits one of these descriptions.
    -I will judge your picture on creativity, fun, beauty and effort.
    -Unique pictures will have a higher chance of being rewarded. Pick something that no one else has tried, think outside the box.
    -Collaboration is not only allowed, but greatly encouraged.

    Choose 1 of the following descriptions:
    A giant flower
    Out of its element
    a group of friends
    A suspicious frog
    A stunning view
    My favorite part

    In short:
    Take a nice picture inside the event that fits 1 of my descriptions. Post the picture in this thread with a short description.

    Build something for this event.

    -Build something that you would like to add to the spring event town and post a screenshot in this thread.
    -Can be built on EMC or offline, but it needs to be built by you.
    -You can claim 1 flower crown head per forum account.
    -I will judge your picture on creativity, fun, beauty and effort.
    -Collaboration is not only allowed, but greatly encouraged.

    in short:
    Build something that would fit this event (spring 2024), either in theme, buildstyle or function. Post a picture of it in this thread with a short description.

    Write something about this event.

    -write a short story about the spring event.
    -must be written in a book on EMC
    -Send through mail to me (Progryck)
    -Can be any kind of story about anything as long as it is about something in the event.
    -I will judge your story on creativity, fun, beauty and effort.
    -Collaboration is not only allowed, but greatly encouraged.

    in short:
    Write a short story about the event (spring 2024) in a book and send it to me.

    Find an easter eggs in the event
    (easter eggs are considered fun nods or refferences to people, past events or inside jokes from EMC)

    -Post a screenshot and a short text/explanation about it in this thread.
    -be original, there are a LOT of easter eggs in this event, have fun finding them.
    -Collaboration is not only allowed, but greatly encouraged.

    in short:
    Find a nice easter egg in the event and share it here.

    KatyBuild, FadedMartian, 607 and 8 others like this.
  2. Progryck likes this.
  3. for the speed runing part found a actual good path
  4. oof the 50 rabit 1 is so hard im only ad 26 bunny.s afther hours
    UltiPig likes this.
  5. And there we go. The event went offline so i have send out the first 4 heads to their respective winners.

    But it seems the event came back for more action, so I'll keep this small competition going for a bit longer, 6 more heads are still available.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. gime that 3 head
    note i dit do this on my tijshu acc since i spent 4 days getting 50 rabits on my oder acc
    since u need to reset your progres if im corect i asked progryck
    Progryck likes this.
  7. jewel you
  8. Doing some cleanup work on smp1 in the wild. Area that needed re-terrain as a nuke had gone off there on a small strip of desert area. All the sand taken and a scarred crater left. It's few hundred blocks from spawn, near a road someone installed to make travel easier. Most of the tree planting and terrain work has already been done, done whenever I needed a break from some other aspect of the game.
    Except for this hole. Had never really decided what went into this terrible chunk square dig down. Enter the inspiration of the digging drill. After I got it in (stupidly forgot scaffolding) I noticed that it not as beefy as I would have liked. It also needs some additional decor. But this is enough to get the picture entered (as I require your head).
    Will post follow-ups as they happen.

    Progryck likes this.
  9. Decided to build a Steampunk Fishsub at my harbour on utopia. First time for this sort of theme for me... think Ill add some more weathered blocks into it though

    6 passenger cabin

    engine room

  10. It has been brought to my attention that I never actually closed this competition, for the easter event of last year never actually closed either. (Until recently)

    So with that, I have closed the remaining challenges, and the winners have been sent their rewards.

    I'll keep this thread open, I "might" do another one of these on another event.
    Sefl and 607 like this.
  11. And there we go. Another event, another round of the headgames.
    If you have not collected any of my heads yet you might want to try these devious games.
    Good luck to everyone.

    PS: I might add more games as time goes on, so be sure to check out this thread every so often.
    Trwe likes this.
  12. That was easy :D :p
    Progryck likes this.
  13. Well, I was actually intending to make people look for an armorstand of me, but I respect the hustle. :p
    You get a head for this. But only this once. :p
    607 and Fred_TWK like this.
  14. I was not expecting a head for that, thank you!

    I just wanted to make the silly joke :D
    607 likes this.