[Suggestion] Senior Staff Service Move Existing Creature Spawners

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Dreacon78, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. So I did a look through the already been suggested thread and didn't see this there, so hopefully I wasn't blind and just missed it.

    So what I am suggesting is that for a price, to be determined by staff, you could request to have existing mob spawner(s) moved a short distance. This distance could be no more than say 15 blocks horizontally and 10 blocks vertically, as an example. The reason I ask this is that I have found several "groups" of spawners that are just outside of the activations range needed for you to be able to incorporate them into a single farm. The reason I am thinking of having the distance kept short so that someone can't request spawners that are several dozen blocks away from each other to be moved. This is strictly for those situations where the spawners are literally 5-10 blocks too far away from each other in order for you to use them both in the same farm.

    I figure that the person requesting the shift could build their farm and mark the spots for the move. Then once they are done, they could put the request in and boom no added effort on the part of the Senior Staff after that.

    There could also be a limit of how many moves you could request in a given time or possibly link it to supporter level. Though maybe allowing more moves for supporters, but everyone could get a few moves or something like that.

    Just a thought, and one I hope wasn't already suggested.
  2. I think this is a good idea. Do we NEED it? Maybe not. Would my hording side LOVE this? Yes, Yes it would! I think the price should just be VERY high.. to help deter a heavy use of this service.

  3. Like 50k to 100k per each move
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. Mmm have to save the rotten flesh, bone and string markets
    FadedMartian and UltiPig like this.
  5. I think it should be a bit higher to reduce any sort of abuse of this.
    MissBonnieParker likes this.
  6. i want this to be a thing :D +1
    Dreacon78 likes this.
  7. What kind of abuse? Anyway, regardless of the price, there will be people for whom it is expendable (providing it is at all obtainable).
  8. +1 Not sure if this will be honored, but I like the idea! :D
    Dreacon78 likes this.
  9. While there are may be many who have the expendable funds, I think the number of those without is greater. So keeping the price higher would prevent the abuse of moving spawners all over, just to move them?

    Perhaps it should be spawners within your claim or larger areas you have already been developing on(Im adding this last part so it would be possible for the public farms to use as well, I believe several are in the "too close to spawn to claim" range. )
  10. adding onto this, i think it would be cool to have a built in feature as part of empires/ land claiming where it can be kinda like a token sink :)
    Dreacon78 and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  11. Yes this should be a token transaction imo
    Dreacon78 and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  12. What is this madness? Tokens finally being used for something??? :eek::eek::eek:
    Dreacon78, Vortixin and FadedMartian like this.