[POLL] chickeneer fixes the economy thread

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by chickeneer, Jun 8, 2022.


SELECT MULTIPLE - Read the choices - explanations in post

YES - The server should intervene to improve the state of the economy 53 vote(s) 73.6%
NO - Everything is fine and no intervention is required - as close to vanilla as possible 10 vote(s) 13.9%
YES - I support the server buying certain non-farmable items 53 vote(s) 73.6%
NO - I do not support the server buying certain non-farmable items 10 vote(s) 13.9%
YES - The server may nerf bartering to help the economy of those items 26 vote(s) 36.1%
NO - Leave bartering mechanics alone 31 vote(s) 43.1%
YES - I enjoy occasional collectible only items 55 vote(s) 76.4%
NO - Every item must have a use or aesthetic benefit 10 vote(s) 13.9%
YES - Nerf enraged at difficulty 5 to be a similar challenge to vanilla mobs 15 vote(s) 20.8%
NO - Enraged at difficulty 5 is fine currently (with exceptions) 36 vote(s) 50.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. There use to be a rule on where you could build in the wild, I am sure it had to be out past 8k blocks in al directions. I see so many farms built right next to spawn on the live maps.

    The reason for the rule was so that area could be refreshed, this was not to replace the wild - world with a new seed just refresh inside this 8k parimiter.

    I agree with public farms, they have to some extent crashed the ecconomy, the price of beacons droped from 15k to between 500 - 1500r. This takes away the chalenge for players to get one, either through farming heads or earning rupees to pay. I know some may think they are helping the community but it takes away the enjoyment and makes the game meaningless to the players.

    Agree or disagree, I don't believe public farms should exist and should be banned from the wild/waste/nether/END
  2. I happen to agree

    This is kind of why Pants&Co is almost exclusively a 'membership only' group of farms/trading halls. It isn't just me that builds them. Plenty of others have been involved. All that time and effort is part the enjoyment of the build/playing the game, the other part is working to have a way to make rups in an otherwise (IMO) ruined economy.
    The trade halls are the biggest on the server The 30-50k for lifetime membership is enough of a deterrent that there is maybe 20 ppl with them, and likely < 1/2 use them regularly.

    Shoot I'm a member of prob a dozen player established outposts (and some where it isn't established, just a big build): once you have to go a ways out (and not farm <2-3 min away by rail) it seems a LOT of people wouldn't go through the effort. I know because my own outpost has farms I never get to (ostensibly part bcuz they suck, part bcuz I just built another in town). lol
  3. While I agree to some extent, your point about beacons isn’t entirely accurate. Most of the public wither skeleton farms came into existence after the crash. The crash was caused by a massive oversupply of items that even hardcore players likely won’t ever use more than a few stacks of over their entire EMC career.
    Grimm_Pantalones and 607 like this.
  4. I vote that we should have more chickens running around the spawns along with bunnies. That is all!
    UltiPig likes this.
  5. I didn't do it.
    UltiPig likes this.