[EVENT] Spring Cleaning Time Capsule

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Apr 23, 2022.

  1. Saturday April 30th @ 2 pm EMC time

    Same event concept, different time of the year! Start cleaning out those storage rooms to make space for your old capsule stuff, or find those special items you want to store away for a while out of your reach. :cool:
    /v timetemple on smp2

    The time capsule has a total of 1296 chest locations, spanning 54 columns. The layout to find your chest is located below, to be used along with timecapsule.emc.gs.

    Time Capsule Closes again on: May 7th and will open at the end of 2022.
    • Each player that has a chest will have a week to move their items into place.
    • If you are unable to be online at all during this time and want to participate, please message Senior Staff to coordinate.
    Q&A Section:

    What do I do if I have a time capsule from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021 that I want to pick up, but I cannot be there for the opening?
    • Message Krysyy at pmcm.emc.gs and she will pull the items from the chest and set them aside for pickup at a later date.
    What do I do if I have a time capsule from 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021 that I want to combine with more items for a 2022 time capsule?
    • No problem. Bring your new items to add and you can re-use the same chest. Pm Krysyy if you cannot be present.
    What do I do if I have a time capsule from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021 that I want to pick up, but I was banned/purged during 2021?
    • Any players who were purged during the years of their time capsule belongings will have the belongings purged as well. Time capsule chests are not able to be used to circumvent punishment. You are more than welcome to start a NEW chest for 2022.
    What do I do if I didn't participate in the time capsule from 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021 and I want to participate this year?
    • If you want a chest of your own at the time capsule, then message Krysyy.
    • Bring some items, books, or anything really that you want to lock away for a year. We've had a lot of players store promo items from the past in their chests along with books about how things were on the server, their friends, etc. All of these are really great ideas to get you started.
    • Anything that you put in will be locked until the end of 2022, so choose wisely.
    How many chests do we get?
    • Each player gets one single chest, if requested. A double chest is NOT provided this year.
    Any other questions?
    • Ask in the comments or in a pm to Krysyy @ pmcm.emc.gs
  2. Genuinely can't remember if I've got anything in my time capsule chest it's been so long! Tempted to just leave it as is till it next opens up ;)
  3. Makes sense, moving this event away from the busy New Year/Christmas time frame. Time IS of the essence . . .
    luckycordel, AnonReturns and 607 like this.
  4. NEVER again will I move at Christmas time...such a nightmare.
    luckycordel, UltiPig, 607 and 3 others like this.
  5. Spring cleaning out my capsule with so much dust. My allergies can't take it lol.
    UltiPig likes this.
  6. Love the concept.. Spring cleaning.. Awesome!!
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. heh, i love the twist, and it works! good to see you back, ms. purple! :D
    UltiPig and 607 like this.
  8. I thought I had squirrelled away some stuff back in this event, but I didn't see my name on the doc so is it safe to assume that I didn't have one?
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  9. Ooo, nice! Hope I can make it at the st start of the event.
  10. I would like a time capsule this year. Thanks.
  11. Time capsule is now open.
    W1therRex likes this.
  12. I should be on to clean out my chest at some point tomorrow was very busy today lol.
  13. Hmm I could've sworn I I had a bunch of 500k gear in mine but my chest is empty, how odd
  14. i forgot about putting stuff in my time capsule chest again

    AnonReturns likes this.
  15. Don't tell anyone, but the vault is not locked down yet, so you could sneak over to your chest still.
    607 and FadedMartian like this.
  16. ooooo okay ty mr chicken will do tonight if you could not close it until tomorrow ;)