Hey all! MissZ here, and I wanted to share a new program I'm starting at my shop, the Shopkeeper Partners Association. This is kind of like any other irl business association, but on EMC. I've wanted to do this since I first started a shop 6 years ago and think it's about time I got around to it. So, here is how the association works. First of all, there are NO committees, no dues, no applications. None of that kind of technical stuff. In my mall, I have a dedicated section where I will be glad to host your shop information so in case I don't have stock, or someone wants to shop around, they can easily find other locations to check out. As you will notice below, it's a prominent area right next to my main store directory. This is intentional. See, in order for your shop info to be here, you will have to reciprocate (do the same for me). EMC businesses need to support each other, and I think this is another great way to do so. Now, I do have a few other requirements to be listed on my Partners wall: 1. Your business has to be regularly maintained and stocked. Meaning, you regularly play on here and do more than auction pick ups. Businesses that don't meet this requirement, such as you haven't been on in 45 days, will have their shop info removed from the wall until regular again. 2. For my wall, your business needs to have been around for at least a few months. This isn't to stop new shopkeepers from being included, but a lot of shops start up and then never launch or never last. BUT, you can partner with whomever you feel like. You aren't required to share my info on your wall unless I have yours on mine. Heck, you could even pass up on my wall but partner with others. Either way, partnerships will overlap at some point. 3. If you don't display your partnered shopkeepers' information in a prominent spot, or let them update it at your place, you can't be on my wall. I think that's only fair. So, before you apply, go ahead and create your display zone. 4. The design of how you display info is up to you because it's your build! Personally, I encourage partners to put a head above their allotted two signs. One sign with address info, another with a brief description of your place. Also, try to have it well lit. Now, I know, you're probably thinking, we have a thread on the forums that lists everyone. While that may be true, I know a lot players don't always want to bother the community for shop leads. This is a great way to share stores without requiring a web browser. So, if interested, hit me up. Pretty simple rules and a great way to support one another.
I'm not sure what the purpose is? Is it to create a trade assoc to stifle competition? IE an anti-compete association for price fixing? If that is what it is, I'd be against it as those are antithetical to free market system. If it is just to provide links from one store to the next, then it seems like it'd be a good idea. So far in my time 9/10 shops have nothing available in them, which is annoying.
As mentioned in the OP, folks would reciprocate advertisement. And, each shop can choose who they want to advertise with. That's all.
As far as supply and demand issues, it's a lot to keep up a shop. I only restock twice a week, and not all low items at once.
In regard to price fixing or creating "floor" pricing, I'm on your side. I don't think it's a healthy or fair practice.
Being new and seeing the struggle to get my shop noticed it would make sense to advertise the shops that are active. I do think thats a great idea. Saves the time of doing /shop until you find a place with any inventory. Last SMP I played on had a similar issue of empty stores staying open forever.
ahh nice nice! same, i only restock when someone experienced out of stock due to demand and wide range of items. So when i have a expedition, i will likely to restock these item, but not all Here's out of stock feedback.
sad i wanted tho start a Iron shop for all Iron needs in bulk enviles couldrens and stuf becouse i have so muchts Iron i have anoug for years and years but i dind start a shop yet i will probely call it Iron to go Iron works Iron = rupees you need Iron Iron bell Iron hut irondominos emc Iron Inc <--- say that like that intro of phines and ferb from that pink tower guy the bad guy u now
Wall is up and running and I have started adding shopkeepers interested in promoting each other's shops This is a bump and an update with example of set up expectations.
Just bumping this thread! And, also, someone has been trying to claim I am asking members to price fix. Um nooo, NEVER. Your shop is your shop. Your membership isn't based on how you run it. Just mutual advertisement. That's it. Make it easier for players to find your shop if I'm out of stock, and vice versa. Player shops supporting each other.
I'm down to clown! HMU when you're on next. I'm pretty sure I meet the criteria. This is a great idea. I'll get to work making a section for display. We can trade heads when we chat. Cool? <3 V