[Server Suggestion] Stop Allowing Mass Griefing

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Extendingskys, Nov 2, 2020.


What do you think should be done?

Remove the snow layer spawning for blizz ards entirely. 12 vote(s) 60.0%
Remove the snow layer spawning for blizz ards that are near spawn 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Add a player setting to disable snow layer spawning for blizz ards spawned by that particular player 1 vote(s) 5.0%
Don't change how blizz ards work 5 vote(s) 25.0%
Other 2 vote(s) 10.0%
  1. As winter comes around and I received a brief flurry of snow this morning, I was reminded once again of the routine snow layer cleaning we must do due to blizz ards. Even as I'm too busy to play much due to college, the one thing I will always have time for is to log in to un-grief my house. So many others have the same experience; every winter they have to hunt down and exterminate blizz-ards or risk having random lines of snow running all over your base. Often times it's not even possible if your home has multiple players or is in a high traffic area (such as near spawn, as mine is). And of course, the spawns themselves become nearly irreparably covered in snow and deadly mobs for the caretakers of spawn to be forced to clean up.

    But why? Why must we suffer? This is no different from a player coming and placing snow layers everywhere to grief your base. Or building snowmen to run around griefing for them, while also being deadly to the player. Sure, players enjoy the drops, and I would certainly not suggest making them not spawn. You can already disable enraged or boss spawns and that's good enough for me. You can also hunt them viciously and pray you don't miss any.

    However, due to the fact that they are often spawned without being known, or by other players nearby, and cause a massive mess, I suggest that the snow layer spawning be removed. There is only one benefit to snow layer spawning which is that players deep in the wilderness can have access to snow to then build further snowmen to farm (for more snow). I doubt anyone has actually taken advantage of that, but that could easily be remedied by adding snowballs or snow blocks and pumpkins to the drop table.

    Here are my three suggestions in order of most preferred to least preferred:
    1. Remove the snow layer spawning for blizz ards entirely.
    2. Remove the snow layer spawning for blizz ards that are near spawn
    3. Add a player setting to disable snow layer spawning for blizz ards spawned by that particular player (doesn't affect blizz ards spawned as a result of someone else's presence.)
    I'm well aware that the snow layer spawning is due to the fact that blizz ards extend or in some way utilize the base minecraft snowman, but I know the dev team is clever enough to find a simple fix for it.
  2. /ps set eventmobspawn off
    __Devil_, FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
  3. Apparently the Wiki said that player settings don't affect Blizz spawns. I've fixed that. :)
  4. I keep event mob spawns off, but due to my house being in a high traffic area it gets covered in snow anyway. This also doesn't prevent the spawn I take care of, and every other spawn, from being covered in snow. Any base who has even one person who doesn't have that setting will also become covered.
  5. Is it possible to have the snow melt, after a period amount of time?
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  6. Yes, but not without substantial work. Usually blocks that change over time have some sort of block state or other information stored per block to allow tracking of time. For example, frosted ice (which melts over a certain period of time) has an "age" stored which is updated. Since snow layers don't (to my knowledge) have any block data that could be used like that, it would have to be recorded and tracked internally by the server by some new system.

    I would be all for that though, I just suspect that idea would be considered too difficult. But if I'm wrong about it, hey, I'm all for that then.
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  7. Ah yes, when I hear this, I know that Winter has almost made it to EMC once again.
    Extendingskys likes this.
  8. I think this is a good idea but I am not sure if this was mentioned before. But if not I like the idea.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  9. I don't know if bumping is allowed for suggestion threads, and I'm too lazy to check and too desperate for this to be seen before Blizz ards come back for the winter :p
    weeh and KatydidBuild like this.
  10. Too late now, but definitely a good time to bump ;)

    They're definitely back!
  11. And that was just one that made this mess

  12. My first's path of destruction :p
    __Devil_, Burki and 607 like this.
  13. I understand your frustration, but it is fun to look at the snow trails. :p More screenshots are welcome. :D
    (I am not against this suggestion)
  14. It wouldn't be hard at all. EMC could use the EntityBlockFormEvent, check to make sure it's a Blizz, track the snow layers it creates and then after X time just remove them.
    VoidDistortion likes this.
  15. Thing is- Blizz ard's "escape to saftey" actually activates when they're on snow layers- including the ones they make. this is super annoying when fighting them and doesn't seem intentional at all, and removing the snow completely would fix this.
    VoidDistortion likes this.
  16. Any extra checks put more load on the server, though, right? But snow layers and frosted ice blocks might not be created often enough to make this significant!
  17. It's not the best event because I'm pretty sure players trigger it. It's likely that EMC is already using that event so it could be have Blizzard stuff added to it. There could be other ways to do it though.
  18. Also, the Enraged Ghast is a Massive Griefer, even worse than the worst Trolls,
    Please turn off the wide scale grifing, at least in the Frontier
    Ethy202 likes this.
  19. Nothing is more fun than fighting an enraged ghast in the air with your elytra above your castle.
  20. We're looking at auto removing any snow placed by blizz on chunk unload. So it would still have snow while its actively moving around, but you wont need to manually clean it up (for new snow post change, youll have to clean up any snow pre change)

    Won't happen before 1.16 though, so you'll have to just bear with it for a few more days at min. well try to get it WITH the 1.16 release.