[EVENT] EMC REVIVAL DROP PARTY Hosted by Merek_Shadower and Wafflecoffee

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Merek_Shadower, May 10, 2020.


Will you be able to make this party?

Poll closed May 30, 2020.
Yes, I have to BE THERE! 30 vote(s) 75.0%
No, I want to attend but that time doesn't work for me 5 vote(s) 12.5%
No, I can't attend but wish to donate to this cause 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I like Pizza! 17 vote(s) 42.5%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. What a cool event, I'll try to be at both
    Merek_Shadower and wafflecoffee like this.
  2. Awesome!!!
    I might be able to make the jUne one!
    wafflecoffee and Merek_Shadower like this.
  3. I'm looking forward to attending both event dates!:D
    Merek_Shadower and wafflecoffee like this.
  4. nice! I don't think I'll be able to attend the june one, but that's what this is all about isn't it?
    Merek_Shadower and wafflecoffee like this.
  5. Time to bump this UP!! Only 3 days away!!!

    Remember, this is a 2 part drop party. I am splitting the loot as equally as I can so if you miss the 1st one you have just the same chance to get it at the 2nd.... and if you make both!!!! OH MY!:eek:

    This Sat May 30th at 8:00 pm EMC TIME!
    Stnywitness and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  6. Can't wait for this party! It's gonna be great! :D
    Merek_Shadower and wafflecoffee like this.
  7. Even though not typed I read this as "I'm so Egg sited;)
  8. Tuh....
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  9. I cannot wait! I should be able to make it :D (both dates)
    Merek_Shadower and wafflecoffee like this.
  10. Today Is The Day!
    Come join Merek_Shadower, wafflecoffee, and myself for a 7.5 million rupee drop party happening at 8:00 PM TONIGHT! :D

    P.S. I advertised this cause no one had done a "Today" announcement, and... well... the more the better. :D
  11. That was fun! Wish I could be there for the second one
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  12. It was a blast, thanks!
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  13. I am proud to say that the first drop party was a success!!
    We dropped over 7 and a half million in rupees and we plan to drop even more soon!
    Big thank you to Luckygreenbird for his immense help in getting the drops, well.. dropped :p
    I'd also like to thank RainbowChin for making a special appearance, and the entire EMC community. Without you, this DP would never have happened, so I want to thank each and every person who attended.
    See you next month! :DDDD
  14. Thanks so much, it was very fun!
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  15. The event was great! I had a blast!
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  16. The event was tons of fun! See you'll next round!
    wafflecoffee and Stnywitness like this.
  17. Pics! It was a blast! (the xp was... starting. Had like 15 levels, and at the end of the night, 140 something)

    xGGirlx, MoreMoople and wafflecoffee like this.
  18. Had fun running around and jumping around
    Stnywitness and wafflecoffee like this.