Title Bout: BurgerKnight vs. Luckygreenbird

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Luckygreenbird, May 14, 2020.


Who were you betting on?

BurgerKnight 5 vote(s) 27.8%
Luckygreenbird 13 vote(s) 72.2%
  1. I’m so glad you made this XD Ooga chaka!!
  2. #OogaChaka
    KoolAid42 likes this.
  3. I may have beat the snot out of BurgerKnight, but he would make a good running mate.
  4. *confused, startled, and somewhat frightened Comander noises*
    KatydidBuild and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  5. *Distraught egg noises*
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  6. can you believe BK went 49-0 before this?
    AnonReturns likes this.
  7. no, because he never did
  8. he did in his dreams
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  9. big fat F for burgerknight
  10. So that explains why you tried to make Burger pay 100,000r in the chat... ;)