Aww, he isn't actively continuing past 21036? How lazy! (just kidding ) Also, "reason", nice "writo". --- Many sneakers here too! Also this dress.
Yeah, that also struck me when I read my quoted post. I don't think I'd done that one before. Is there no word for 'stoer' in English?
I think it's just randomly switching to another (somewhat) similar sounding word halfway through the word, possibly because you're distracted in some way. Happens to me sometimes as well, can be quite funny in my opinion. Arroding to it can be "tough", but I generally disagree with that... *According...... >.> --- "Assy Alternator"
I wondered if you had put in those green blocks... but considering this image is hosted on a site on which it doesn't seem logical for you to have uploaded it, someone else must have done that... interesting!