I mean this post:https://empireminecraft.com/threads/forum-game-counting-with-pictures.63136/page-859#post-1552316
The you quoted the wrong post. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Of course that was 'invalid', you ninja'd Tom, but he noticed; that's why he made another post right after, with the next number up. I'm not sure I can, out of context.
Although quite intriguing, the video itself isn't a valid submission, as the number only appears in the very beginning of it. But the thumbnail counts, of course. I wonder what the number has to do with the video, anyway. Oh, I found it! Apparently according to some scriptures, the Hindu god Krishna married 16108 young ladies that had been captured by a demon king. I guess that in that video, that person (probably a religious leader?) is explaining why he did this. Wow, Märklin, it's been a while! This is of a very different kind, though. I had no idea they had made something like this. I'm inclined to do more research, but it's late and I already spent 10 minutes researching the Hindu thing. Edit: And of course I got ninja'd. Here's a quick 16112.