Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2020 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2020.

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  1. I only have one singular picture of myself in my camera roll, and that was because I had to submit an image of myself to my school :p
    sonicol, SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
  2. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through meπŸ˜‰ Definitely isn't the first and I'm sure it won't be the last time I get called Jesus😎 not a bad compliment to be honest
  3. I somehow doubt he wore an earring. :p
  4. Just to be safe, what'll happen if I text that? Also which capital is that? I also love the leather jacket, it's a good look on you!
    SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
  5. Forgot to post on this thread when it dropped but I remembered today and decided I should keep my streak going.
  6. Up at the Devil's hour! (3am)

  7. Some of you may or may not know that I'm a cosplayer, so here are a few of my cosplays lol (bonus picture of a normal selfie)

    Hades from Lore Olympus :
    Teldryn Sero from Skyrim ( I still have to make the wig so excuse that ):
    Rohan Kishibe from JoJo (upclose pic for makeup):
    Kazuichi Souda from Danganronpa:
    Gyro Zeppeli from JoJo:

    aaannnddd normal selfie I guess:
  8. Huh, that's interesting! :)
    I don't know any of those characters, unfortunately, but it does look quite impressive!
    SkeleTin007 and CatNapInn like this.
  9. I have not added a picture in a long time so here is Taco and I.

  10. Dead ringer for:

  11. Love so much!!
  12. So in my virtual crossfit class, we had a competition to see who can show up and work out in the most wacky outfit... so here I am (I broke down each layer - Layer 8 is the original look)...

    Layer 8

    Layer 7

    Layer 6

    Layer 5

    Layer 4

    Layer 3

    Layer 2

    Layer 1 - Shirtlessness, but no nudity; Click at your own risk :rofl: :lmao:

    Layer 0 - 18+; N/A (I hope you know that I didn't actually strip down to this on the call :p)

    Layer -1 - Lots of blood (not sure if this would even work... anyone wanna be a test subject? :rofl: :lmao:)

    Layer 8: A cool attraction in public
    Layer 7: Just a tie-dye school boy, nothing to see here
    Layer 6: An ordinary person that can blind you if the light hits them the right way
    Layer 5: "Wut?"
    Layer 4: Not blinding, but a vision to look at (btw that's a UV-reactive shirt)
    Layer 3: A look you might only see in Hawaii
    Layer 1: If you're in a super formal diner and you see someone looking like that, don't buy a lottery ticket on that day.
    Layer 0: If you dress like this, the police will like you so much, that they'll chase you and they'll tackle you and taze you. Then they'll take you to a cell of isolation so the public doesn't get jealous (I hope you can tell this is a joke).
    Layer -1: Don't even think about it.
  13. Are layers 3 - 7 part of a set?
    SkeleTin007 and CuttlefishSmuglr like this.
  14. Yep! :) It was an interesting workout, especially with the backback :rofl: :lmao:
    SkeleTin007, 607 and Sprhyngtime like this.
  15. So did you win the competition? :D
    SkeleTin007 and CuttlefishSmuglr like this.
  16. Yes, so I got pick an exercise for everyone else on the call to do for a minute :D I said everyone should hold the contracted pushup position for a minute (arms at ~45 degrees). I love pushup exercises, so I was really jealous that they got to do it... so I did it with them. :rofl: :lmao:
    607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  17. I just bought this T-Shirt and sweater - love them so much :D

    The company is great too, that sells them. 10% of proceeds goes into a fund to help push getting eSports into schools for kids. I would have loved the opportunity to join something like that as a kid, so it’s something I would love to see for kids today :D

    Edit: Forgot to add, company is

  18. I've already said this in discord but.. I LOVE THEM! A worthy cause..

    Oh, and I see that the door theme from one of your old avatars is back again :D
    ArkonXT and SkeleTin007 like this.
  19. Me currently in my mohawk-less NohawkJoe form lol

    and my furr baby Doomie Mc'Fluffybutt
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