Support Voucher Combination Question

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Stagger77, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. Hi,

    I've two Gold Vouchers that I'd like to combine into a Diamond, but I'm a little confused on the process. I was told that I'd need to "click" the voucher to activate it. I understood this to mean that I'd need to hold the voucher and then right click to activate it (or both?). After that, I'm supposed to place the two vouchers into my virtual vault. The final step would then be to PM krysyy, to inform her which vault I placed them in and that I'd like to have the two vouchers combined into a diamond voucher. So here's my questions on this:
    1. As the right click to activate a voucher is currently disabled, how do I
      initiate this process (and will whatever I do require the same action for both vouchers)?
    2. Will I gain an actual diamond voucher from this process that can be handed off or should I give the two vouchers to the person that will be using them to attain the diamond status?
    Thanks for any help offered.
    ChespinLover77 and Stnywitness like this.
  2. Hmm...not sure.
  3. MoreMoople and Stnywitness like this.
  4. Also want to clarify that right clicking with a voucher doesn't activate it. The supporter vouchers are handled manually by Krysyy. I believe that if you do right click with a supporter voucher in hand, it will give you the directions on how to redeem them in chat.
    607 likes this.
  5. To combine vouchers first you need to place the vouchers in question in your cross-server vault. "/vault" (Senior Staff, as well as the admins, can access other player vaults). For instance, you have 2 gold vouchers, you'll want to place those in your vault, then fill out the forum that Kloned provided a link to

    When you submit, Krysyy will handle it from there. She'll take those 2 gold supporter vouchers out of your vault and she'll put a diamond supporter voucher in their place. Access your vault again to retrieve the diamond supporter voucher. If in the case when you access your vault and you see that your 2 gold supporter vouchers are still there, just be patient, Krysyy might not have gotten around to it yet.

    Now in order to get diamond supporter through that voucher, you can right-click with the voucher in your main hand, and a link will pop up in chat that you can follow for the activation instructions. What you need to do then is place that diamond supporter voucher back in your vault and fill out: Krysyy will take that diamond supporter voucher and then you'll get your 1 month of diamond supporter!
  6. Question, If I wanted to make 2 iron and a gold into a diamond, do I submit to forum requests? when it asks what type of voucher you are using to combine you may only state one
  7. Just choose one of the two, and add the extra information in the box for which vault page the vouchers are in. :)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  8. When it asks for the type of voucher I think Krysyy wants to know what vouchers are in that vault page that you previously stated. What vouchers you want to get out of the exchange you'd put with additional information.
  9. Thank you for the help everyone! :)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  10. I could always give you a diamond for 2 gold vouchers haha
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  11. lol yeah thats a great idea
    Big__Kev likes this.
  12. I know that this is an older thread but I am missing some important information which could actually save Krysyy (and you!) valuable time:

    You do not have to "convert" a voucher (or vouchers) if you only want to redeem them. So in the example of the OP: if you want to turn those 2 gold vouchers into a diamond so that you can sell it (or give it away?) then of course. But if you merely want to redeem them as-if it were diamond then don't bother with the conversion but redeem 'm straight away.

    Put both in your vault, specify that you're going to redeem a diamond voucher and then in the special notes field you simply mention that you'll be redeeming 2 gold for 1 diamond. Krysyy will handle the rest.

    As said: this can save both you and Krysyy some valuable time.
    Krysyy and TomvanWijnen like this.