Wow! This is great! Congratz to you Tuqueque!! =D I remember way back before I was a mod and you were always so nice and helpful. Glad yer getting some recognition for your kindness. =D
I can't believe this, how is Tuqueque the better Tuq out of us?! I'm clearly better in everyway. This is absolutely biased. Guess Ill have to be more forum active I guess... But Hey! I guess I can pat my other self in the back and say grats!
Cool! I like how this event makes me more appreciative too. With tuqueque for example, I never really noticed how he contributed because it seemed so normal; he's always been like that. Now I realise how glad I can be for it.
Not sure how I didn't respond to this one, grats Tuq lol Your response was awesome to this, which is exactly why you were chosen Grats on 6 years too!