"Yes" or "No"

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MoreMoonshine, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. You see the what I'm talking about are simple questions, like what an item may be worth or, if anyone has seen any mini-bosses recently, they can answer with a simple "Yes" or "No" because we are talking questions that anyone can answer unless you have no idea what a "Marlix" or a promotional item is. If they have seen a mini-boss in the wastes and I ask if anyone has seen one they can answer instead of staying silent.
    Windylava likes this.
  2. The fastest way of getting an answer from me is pm. If it's not I have an option to reply or not. I usually don't because of 1. No is a strong word 2. I have other things going on
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. Well, since we're not addressing the questions which were being asked there's another important aspect to keep in mind: how many times do you think certain questions get answered? Over the years that I've been playing on EMC I've seen several questions get asked dozens of times. I usually respond and answer the best I can anyway, but there are also plenty of players who eventually grow bored of having to state the same things over and over and over again. And can you really blame them? After all, this server does have a very useful wiki which contains tons of information.

    As I hinted at in my original message: it's a double edged sword. Sure, maybe some players could show more patience and try to answer most (newbie?) questions. But on the other hand the newbie involved could also put in a bit of extra effort and start by trying to find the answer(s) themselves.

    But I seriously disagree that you can "blame" either side for doing something "wrong". In the end this is still a game and people play this game to entertain themselves. For some helping out others could be a burden, especially if they work within the field of (IT) support and have to deal with this the whole day. I don't think those kind of players would be very motivated to do the same stuff in-game ;)
    Gawadrolt, 607 and FadedMartian like this.
  4. Thank you for your response, it is understandable how it could possibly be the smp.
    MoreMoople and FadedMartian like this.
  5. Got a problem with that assumption because you're subjecting a bias over everyone over that SMP. Everyone is different when it comes to replying. If nobody responds, usually, they are busy (Like my previous post) or don't want to join you. Got to accept that 20 players will not pipe up and chat. Mabey 1-5 will respond at best.

    You will find players that will friend up to you I am sure of it. It just takes time and being friendly and acceptive of others responses is the first step ;)
  6. I don't think item prices are simple questions- every time I've asked something like that if I do get a response it's rough guesses and they're all across the board or players admit that they don't keep track of the economy anymore. A good place to ask about prices would be the price check section of the forums.

    As far as mini-bosses, saying nothing is generally the same as no. If I don't have anything helpful to say, I won't bother adding it to the chat so that it's easier to see meaningful responses. "No" is just a waste of time in that scenario. As far as I've witnessed, if anyone comes across a boss they wouldn't want to fight they'll announce it's location in the community chat and move on. If you're not around to see them announce it, you probably miss it.

    It's not players' job to answer your questions, just something polite they can choose to do if they are able to. As far as your assumption that if 10 people are online someone should answer, I don't think that's fair. I can log into SMP7 and find 10 people on all the time. At least three are usually alts, one a newbie themselves, two others AFK but not appearing away on /p (name), and then the other four are probably busy, not feeling chatty, or just don't see your message. Sorry.

    The forums and the wiki are both great places to get information. I encourage you to go to either if you're struggling with a question.
    Gawadrolt and TomvanWijnen like this.
  7. You're only a few days old but you've been experiencing this for months? Or do you mean you noticed your brother's questions being ignored? (who is he, by the way?)
    Gawadrolt and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. Yes.. it's also important to be aware there are multiple situations where one may be not afk or away... But chat is not seen. If I am in my inventory.. chests.. moving items... Reading the forum... In a private chat... Etc..
    607 likes this.
  9. Usually if its a yes or no question its something thats easily found on the wiki. Players get fatigued answering the same questions over and over again from noobs who don't want to read up and learn about how our server works. Unless they are staff its not really their job to answer your questions. I won't answer noob questions unless I'm in the right mood and folks on smp6 that know me will tell you that lol (cause I'm usually a jerk).

    Well if its you I'm ignoring you on purpose :p
  10. I was going to report this, but nah