Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2018 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. You both look so happy <3 Congrats on your marriage may you spend the rest of your lives happily married <3
  2. I apologize if this is massive, imgur was being a bit annoying.
  3. Fexu, you are sooooooooo pretty!!! :O
  4. Omg I love my cat too much! :D She's soooooooooo cute <3
    Btw, these were taken just this morning.

  5. CUTE!!

  6. I recently attempted to bury a tire using a sledgehammer. It went GREAT
    Elite, SheWolf, Esrik and 9 others like this.
  7. Cool!
    SkeleTin007, Prairie_Fire and We3_MPO like this.
  8. For the love of God, who would ever need to do that??? O_O
    Prairie_Fire and SkeleTin007 like this.
  9. I'm trying to grow a tire tree, so I'm planting a seed. Or it's part of a workout. Or I was wronged by a tire in a past life, and I'm still coping with it.

    Wait, did you mean why would I bury a tire, or why would I hit one with a hammer in the first place?
  10. All of the above :confused:
  11. Also dang, if you want a workout, just hit the gym xD Although banging a tire is more fun...
  12. I do, but only for the weights. The tire is for cardio, and it's a movement I use in my job along with some other strange things that would get you kicked out of Planet Fitness. Hit me up in a PM if you want to know more, as much as I want to light up the thread with Crossfit talk, I don't think the mods would approve.
    SheWolf, SkeleTin007, 607 and 3 others like this.
  13. Yeah, they wouldn't approve.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  14. If this is for cardio, what are ya packing in the plate carrier of yours? AR500s? Pure Lead? xD
  15. Twin curved shooters cut AR500 lvl 3 plates, high cut side plates, all with anti spalling. 28 lbs total. I made a bet with a friend, if she tried the whole five rounds, I would wear the vest. I'm a big enough guy that all it does is makes my legs work a bit harder and make it tougher to breathe, cause of the compression.
  16. Here's a peek into my weekend at the MS150 Houston to Austin!
    Annnd once again my phone pictures are huuuge; so, into the spoiler tag they go 😆

  17. The building in the last shot seems cranky from you waking it up so early for a picture. Good on you for participating.
  18. The photographer told me to look at a door.

    I'm also not very good at this modelling thing.

    Oh and then there's this one.

    Crap these are big.
  19. I hardly recognised you. :eek: Thanks for sharing. :)
  20. A fwesh new style for da summer, almost out of schooooool!
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