Not thank you to all EMC staff >:(

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BurgerKnight, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. It isn't a "Not thank you to all EMC staff" if you said "He's OK", "She's OK", "They're OK", or whatever about one of them. Poor (insert any staff name other than JohnKid or BurgerKnight).
    BurgerKnight and derp_duckie like this.
  2. Ahaha.. I died in laughter when he said JohnKid was "OK" XD
    BurgerKnight, JohnKid and We3_MPO like this.
  3. I think that although all of the staff are nice and open-minded, that JohnKid is one of the ones who is especially so. So yeah, I kind of agree with you on that...
    BurgerKnight and JohnKid like this.
  4. I welcome a challenge.

    This thread is for insulting staff only. k thx bye.
    _Devuu__, Tuqueque and derp_duckie like this.
  5. That was mean.
    BurgerKnight and derp_duckie like this.
  6. *pokes we3* it's burgerknight's way of humor :)
    TomvanWijnen and BurgerKnight like this.
  7. BurgerKnight's puns really pun-ish the fun out of everything XD
  8. oh no BK changed his signatures again... More unnervingness!
  9. If I have a good roast against BurgerKnight, can I say it?
  10. Yes please! (Assuming it's family-friendly of course ;) )
  11. All BK roasting is accepted and encouraged. So long as it follows EMC rules.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  12. If BK is a delicious burger, but is green...

    Then.. No Thank You I will NOT eat you

    My stomach is more sane and wise that I am, which led him to take this decision about not eating green, not-supposed-to-be-green, stuff
  13. That is some very nice and reasonable criticism of the staff that they should listen to. They should make BurgerKnight a BurgerKing and replace him with Kryssy.
  14. du itttt :) (as long as it's emc appropriate ofc)
    BurgerKnight and We3_MPO like this.
  15. what if BurgerKnight(King) replaced Aikar thread
    BurgerKnight and Ritunn like this.
  16. Exactly the reason why you look mad
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  17. Perhaps toade get out my swamp
    BurgerKnight and Eviltoade like this.
  18. I bet Aikar is BurgerKnight, or Aikar is his twin brother.
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  19. Burger Knight: Thinks he's WAAAAAAAAY more superior than he really is