SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 145 vote(s) 46.0%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 20.0%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.4%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. Also if you never saw... have a baby villager, and an iron golem, park it and watch- sometimes the golem offers the baby a poppy. that's why they drop poppies. Yeah yeah it's annoying in iron farms. Hence my trash cleanup at my res -.-
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. The Dragon Fighting Arena is currently in need of repairs, thanks to the fun we had out there today... :rolleyes:

    I have to go do homework and other IRL things at the moment, but I will get out there and fix it later tonight. In the meantime, just be careful out there. We got a little carried away with Withers, there may be some holes in the outer ring. :p
  3. If no one else has looked by tomorrow after school I'll go deal with it.
    If you do look, slap me in discord please.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.

  4. (Let me know if you want me to stop)
  5. This isn't discord. Is this saying you've worked on it already?
    I clearly said "Discord" did I not?
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. Getting back on to deal with it now. Didn't realize I'd be done with the IRL(TM) so quickly. :p
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  7. Thank you slvr.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. So about those repairs to the arena....

    I realized +esp was ending tonight and went to do that instead. It took me right up until now to finish it basically and now I gotta go get my butt in the bed. I'll definitely help fix it tomorrow, thanks for your patience guys, haha. It isn't broken that badly, just some slabs missing. :oops:
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  9. Again, if no one's out there by the time I get home, I'll get to it. Don't rush :p
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  10. So totally not to steal PWU's thunder...

    But I'm planning a renovation of the old Wild South utilities here soon. The goal is to not change the farms or builds that much even if they are not functional, but to preserve them and make the area a "museum" of sorts, with facts about the PWU, its members, its history, and then general EMC history as well. It will be more of a wild reserve and amusement park than anything else.

    But this isn't to be taken lightly. There's a LOT that will be done. If you're interested, let me know and I'll add you to the PM I'll be using to discuss it. Official thread can be found here.
  11. I need iron for all the beacons I recently acquired. The beaconators will be lit around my outpost.
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  12. Fe(II)? If poppies overflow, again, /trash or go to town and dump 'em in my access chest. About to get on.
    Fell works wonders :)
    Harp4Christ and Tuqueque like this.
  13. Come to the dark side Tower; we have the bacon!
    Feel free to steal a stack of iron off me or PWU too. I have tons, and you took care of NHG for years.
  14. Reported a grief at Pigmentus today - pretty small but qualifies as a grief. All the wood dividing the road and the docks was missing. I'm able to fix it.

    Also reported one at 3Grinders - A few small missing blocks (this doesn't count), and the garden was flooded. I'm unable to repair the garden at this moment.

    EDIT - I'm also not entirely sure what the docks looked like.. so it may not be completely repaired, but I think I got most of it.
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  15. Thank you Harp!
    Also, my notifications have gone haywire again. Never got an alert for your post Harp, sorry!
    OriginalScuf and Tuqueque like this.
  16. A fix to the notifications going haywire is to have it send to your email (if you are logged in).
    So far, my notifications aren't haywire (yet....).

    Also if I can help, how can I help?
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  17. Atm, Slvr is leading the Wild South renovations. For that- that's Squid Doom, Slime Time- two of PWU's builds that they handed to Slvr. (wow a lot of PWU history I've learned for only bein here 3 months -.-) She works more on weekends.
    Scream for Me, led by khixan, has been ongoing for about a year (?) but public for about 10 months (?). It's finally nearing the end, but she works on Saturday nights only. Past couple Saturdays, she's been lonely or Slvr stole the show. Lol.
    Other than that, check regularly for griefs at all the builds, and thank you.

    Tuq i saw you liked that. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Ok i need coffee -.- the forums thread for the Wild South Renovations is listed above, as well, if you want more details on that, and I can link you to S4M, if you want more details on that. Now to go poke the coffee to brew faster.
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  18. By the way folks, Tuq is sending out friend requests with his alt for PWU. His alt's name is BankingClan. I'm usually only available on EMC on the weekends since I'm working or commuting M-F from 7am till 6pm. Tuq is hoping to be able to vouch for things like grief repairs during the weekdays when I'm not around.
    Do you have to do this? Nope. It's a nice-to-have, not a need-to-have.
    Thanks as always to Tuq for his support of PWU :)
    cubefragment and Tuqueque like this.
  19. Floresss, SuperPiggyPig and PeculiarPotatoez items have been successfully transferred to /v 17474@pwuderelict. Hashhog(Big Thanks to him!) cleaned up 40+ lock signs today of derelict players

    Your items are in your vault or at /v +pwu@pwuderelict
    khixan and SeflYT like this.
  20. So far *
    (2 more farms)
    Tuqueque likes this.