I actually already suggested this in-game via the Eviltoade, but I thought I'd post it here for all to see. So, I'm thinking, in addition to basing the amount of capital letters you can have on the character count in a message, add a minimum count before the chat filters actually thinks people are spamming capitals. This would make the filter less annoying for short phrases, when you try to use, for example, multiple acronym. Here's another example, where I want to emphasize that I'm auctioning blocks, not quartz ore or shards. Original: DC of Quartz BLOCKS: emc.gs/t/73567 New: Dc of quartz blocks: emc.Gs/t/73567
The DC and the Q on quartz should be fixed, but blocks not being in caps is fine how it is. There are a lot of words that dont need to be in all caps.
I agree that words like "blocks" don't need to be capitalized, but I'm just saying, for the sake of clarity. Again, this is just one use case.
+1 This will reduce spam, but unfortunately, it won't stop it. But staff can always mute those who find a way around it.
For something like "NO NO NO" Wich is commenly used by people as negative as I am, it can also be fairly usefull
i dont see the point in this? i think E/M chat has filters intentionally because most people have E/M off the filters limit in community chat i believe
I'm not asking them to increase the tolerance a lot, I just think it's too sensitive for shorter phrases where the filter might be annoying.
+many When I try to welcome a new player that has ONE or more capital letters in their name, it changes everything to non capitals..: "Welcome Hirandomname15 to EMC! " gets changed to "Welcome hirandomname15 to emc! :d" which actually creates more spam, because I'll have to add "*"....