
Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Releias, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Oki
    I've got LOTS of dirt-
    but the grass never seems to grow back on it after its placed o~o

    is there something that I need to do in order to get it to grow back?
    or do I just need to wait even longer?
    I have sheep on the patch and they won't get their wool back without the grass o~o
    what do?
  2. ComicalCanine likes this.
  3. Grass doesn't grow, it only spreads out, the best weay to let the grass grow back is place a circle of it around the fences, so that the sheep aren't able to access it. You can get the grass block by mining one with the silk touch enchantemet or buy them frrom a local shop (I have got some in stock at 1145, it's kind of hard to find though, it's a tempory shop.)
    EDIT: a little bit of ninja becuase I logged on to check if it was in stock.
  4. Yeah, like Jelle said, you're gonna already need grass before it'll grow. Just make sure that there are some blocks that the sheep can't reach so that they don't kill it all
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  5. *Insert ironic quote* That isn't grass, those are sheep!

    As what the two said before, grass spreads out. Also, make sure there is enough light ;)
    Gilixnub and ComicalCanine like this.
  6. thats the thing-
    I've got grass blocks and dirt blocks
    but the grass doesn't seem to spread o~o

    is something blocking it maybe?
  7. how much are you selling the grass blocks for?
  8. I'm sorry, but I personally don't see any grass in this picture. :p
    Gilixnub, ShelLuser and ComicalCanine like this.
  9. I don't see any grass in the screenshots
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  10. it doesn't grow on any of the levels though ;~;
    and its kinda freaking me out o~o
  11. how do I make sure that theres enough light :confused:
    what even?
  12. But there isn't any grass adjacent, so of course it doens't grow?
    ShelLuser and ComicalCanine like this.
  13. lol THATS the point XD
    theres no grass ;~;
  14. where I'm taking the screenshot from doesn't show it <~>
    was going for more of a showing what I'm talking about
    i.e. the lack there of with the grass
  15. Grass does take a long time to grow. And can you show us where the grass is? Because there's none in your screenshots.
    I also read on the wiki that it needs a lot of light to grow, so maybe light the area better?
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  16. I'm standing on blocks in front of the gate
    where I'm taking the screenshot from won't show grass
  17. Ah, yeah, that's the point. There needs to be grass adjacent to a dirt block for grass to grow - it doesn't just grow out of the blue, but instead, spreads onto adjacent dirt blocks. :)
  18. how though? DX
    its above ground?
    what do DX
  19. Okay, I get it now. Grass only spreads to blocks within 3-5 blocks of other grass blocks
  20. oki y'all
    do you see this?

    the grass is there
    but it won't show up where it needs to be ;~;