Not well known among the newer players, but I just hit 2,000 days. Ask me Anything!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by jjhhgg100123, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. I just hit 2,000 days yesterday, and I really never ended up planning anything even though it's a pretty big number. I'm not really well known among the newer players, and most of the older ones I knew have left or are only semi-active, so I plan on making a (small) game out of this...

    For every question you ask me, you have to include one cool thing about yourself (hopefully that will help me get to know you, or what you do), whether it be in game or in real life!

    Ask away!
    Hashhog, ShelLuser, Roslyn and 7 others like this.
  2. First and what's the most important thing to know about EMC
    And congrats bro
    And I love promos
  3. Congratulations on 2,000 days.

    What kept you on EMC?

    As for the interesting thing about me; it's not really that interesting, but I love to write - be that stories, poems, or songs.
    BlitzAttack likes this.
  4. When you started this server did you think 2k days was possible.

    I have over 2000 books in real life.

    I have had over 2k D.C.'s of cobble in EMC life
    padde73 and 607 like this.
  5. The most important thing would probably be the usefulness of making friends, as it will allow you to create business partners in the future and will overall make your experience a lot better.
    FadedMartian and Vortixin like this.
  6. What kept me on EMC is probably the feeling of a community. When you go to events, it feels like everyone knows each other, and even if they don't they are super friendly. You can also approach people for help with finding shops or maybe even getting other deals too, and people will be happy to help.
  7. I didn't know about /p until about 1k days in. To be honest, I really didn't understand the server until about a month into playing either, around the time the first big/reliably stocked mall was launched. It also probably didn't help that it was about 5 1/2 years ago and I was a bit young then. I didn't get the concept of supply/demand.

    Also why would you need 2k DCs of cobble? Wouldn't that take up a huge amount of space and be a pain to move?
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  8. Good to learn that there are quite a few co-players with perseverance. Grats!

    My question: How much did/does Minecraft influence your RL?

    About myself: I learned about Minecraft when I was 72, joined EMC a year later and am now going to 77. I challenge everybody to prove that I am not the oldest player on EMC :).
  9. Ah, you seem familiar to me. I've definitely seen that name before, although I really wouldn't remember it...

    What country are you from?

    A thing about myself: I love Latin, and have written a story in Latin myself. This is a bit of an advertisement of sorts, as I actually posted about that in the Writers' Corner. :p

  10. Woot Woot!!! Congrats on 2000th...

    What would you say is your weirdest story about the old days of EMC?
  11. This is an easy one.

    Minecraft one was of the main reasons I got in to computers. I heard about it late beta and bought it in version 1.0. It was one of my first games on a computer. Soon after I started playing I got a new laptop for my birthday to play it, I started getting into more games, doing a bit of programming after learning about mods, and then building a computer. I still have my old laptop and host a Plex Server on it now (Media Server), and that desktop I built is sitting right next to me... just a little more upgraded.
  12. Land of the free, and home of possibly the worst internet monopoly on earth... America!

    This is sad to say but goodbye net neutrality... learn more about it and why Americans should fight for it here.
    PhoenixAffinity and 607 like this.
  13. Back in the days of IceCreamCow, you used to be able the throw chicken eggs on residences and still have the chickens spawn. This was before residence entity limits too I believe. A bunch of players got on and chicken bombed one of IceCreamCow's residences while he was there. I don't remember the complete story behind it, because it was a while ago, but at the time it was pretty amusing.

    Edit: You're missing something about yourself!
  14. When I get bored working on my outpost or on my town plot. I go to another smp and venture out into the wild without any items. I'm essentially starting from scratch. I then go find some place away from all other builds and bases. To which I then create what I call a mini-base. I build the usual house and make a farm and what not. If I come across a spawner n the same area I'l lock it and convert it to a grinder... Then after a few days or a week or two. I'll simply destroy my bed and go die. Never to see the mini-base again.
    607 likes this.
  15. Congrats on 2k days. I hit 730 days sept 21st. About me, I am a nether hound, nothing kills me but those damn dogs. Then I got good and was hired to clear out a frontier. Took 2 hours and I died once (fell) then came back and deleted all HELL HOUNDS!!! No joke, I am a Beast in the nether.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  16. Grats on 2k!
    When are you getting insta?
    I play EMC UHC sometimes
  17. As soon as you snowball and single-handedly kill everyone on UHC. Rundercaster included.
    607, TomvanWijnen and Ch33zus like this.
  18. ahahhah calm
    607 and jjhhgg100123 like this.
  19. Congratulations on 2k days!
  20. Late congrats on 2000 days!
    Do you have a favorite game besides Minecraft?

    I've lost all interest in Minecraft, but I still play because I like EMC
    607 likes this.