Join us on Utopia at /v +bootcampRead the rest of the thread for directionsIt is the year 2040, and the Empire Space Program (ESP) has grown a lot over the past 23 years. They have managed to build a base on the Moon, which hosts researchers, scientists, and other volunteers from many countries around the world. To celebrate July 20th, the day of the first Moon Landing by the Apollo 11 crew in 1969, the ESP has publicly announced their plans to begin sending people to Mars, to start a new base there, using the Moon Base as a launching station. Boot Camp - Go to /v +bootcamp on /Utopia Think you want to go to Mars? Then you have to complete Boot Camp first! At Boot Camp, you will work your way through a expert designed routine that will test your physical capabilities, such as your speed, endurance, and dexterity. You must successfully complete Boot Camp first to go to the Moon Base. Moon Base Once you have finished Boot Camp and take the rocket to the Moon Base, the work is not yet done. On the Moon Base, you will be tasked with exploring and learning about the base. While exploring the Moon Base, you must fill out the Moon Base Test. This test will allow us to determine your mental capabilities. >>>Click here to open the test<<< Prizes Everyone who completes the test and answers all of the questions correctly will receive a (normal) piece of paper renamed as 'Ticket to Mars.' (These will not be unique, since any other player can easily replicate them.) In addition, everyone who receives a ticket will be automatically placed in a drawing. Of that drawing, 5 people will be selected and each will be awarded 20k rupees. This event will end at 11:59pm EMC Time on July 22nd. I will close the test then, however the res will be left open for anyone to explore.
Seems interesting! I like how all off the 'staff among staff' comments were kept intact. (although I'm afraid that might be changed after this post...)
;-; really regretting leaving my pc at home, maybe you can do this again sometime sounds super fun ^-^
Haha, alright. That's actually a clean-up I agree with, though, I've got to admit! Although it was nice reading those posts, it was actually quite interesting to see.
For those who might be interested, these are some old newspapers that my grandpa gave me a few years ago about Apollo 8 and Apollo 11. I uploaded them to imgur to view here:
Conspiracy theories confirmed: they never landed on the moon but on Empire Minecraft. I'm onto you guys Anyway, this sounds like fun! I'll definitely look into checking this one out later today or at most upcoming weekend