Murphy's Law! (Server Connection Issue)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Isn't that just his signature?
  2. It's given me more time to help prepare TC for the public soon.

    But i will be bored during off time :(
  3. corrected myself
  4. SecretAznEks and thecontroller like this.
  5. hope the server is not too much screwed up so its an easy fix, Thanks Justin for the dedication
  6. However the problem is not being resolved quickly. The empire is big yes, however the only person working with tech side is JustinGuy. I hope JustinGuy has a tech team which would make his life allot easier especially in times like this.
  7. i am glad the servers are working again
  8. It say's Sorry you can only be connected to one server.
  9. You were connected when they went down. Don't worry, they should get to it very soon.
  10. It is being restored quickly. Justin was on it within minutes of the issue happening. :)
    thecontroller likes this.
  11. darn... to meney people on now
  12. now it keeps telling me i can only be logged into one emc server. i shut down minecraft and restarted.... still not working for me
  13. I think you have to give it a few minutes. They were having the same issue the other day until they rebooted the server.
  14. dogsrnice plz don't spam this thread with stuff not pertaining to the topic ty

    any1 that was connected to the servers when it went down will now receive that message. we must wait until all the servers have been rebooted to auto kick us off the servers. i've said this be4. does no1 scroll up or read any of the 1st few pages sheeshh!
  15. Hey guys im getting a completely different kind of message....

    It says: "Sorry, you can only be connected to one EMC server at a time."
  16. Umm its still
  17. Why are you posting irrelevant stuff on a thread? I think you don't understand how a forum works, if you don't I would be happy to advise you along your way into joining your first forum.
    SecretAznEks likes this.