Overwatch Thread!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sachrock, Mar 16, 2017.


Do you play Overwatch?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.8%
No 28 vote(s) 31.5%
I want to 14 vote(s) 15.7%
  1. Here's a Hanzo PoTG of mine, Proud to say i'm a half way "Hanzo Main" :cool:

    Ryuuga wagateki wo kurau!

    BattleNet: MrsNub#11159

    Much Love,
  2. Tfw when you put in a comp game with the same thrower twice >.>
    Sachrock likes this.
  3. when two of the people in your game are throwing by both being snipers on attack
    B4DMAN5IMON and K_Kick like this.
  4. Ah, yes. ELO hell.
  5. I think that if you haven't played in a while or decayed, when you win a game it gives you lots of sr I went down to 2950 while playing with some friends then in 2 games I got to 3050.
  6. I enjoy the little things in life,like killing a Dva when she gets respawned but hasnt gotten into her mech yet.
    _Levy_McGarden_, Sachrock and K_Kick like this.
  7. The anniversary events starts May 23rd !
    also hint hint for anyone that wants to try it,the event will have 3 free days to play overwatch from the 26-29th of May ;)
    Sachrock likes this.
  8. SMURF ACCOUNT TIME (for 3 days, at least)
  9. I did some comp yesterday since I still don't have my placements and got 4 more games in bringing my total up to 5. All but one went awfully. I ended up solo supporting as Mercy in the first game and we were winning, then someone left and came back later. Second game I playing Rien as a solo tank for a good portion of the match, but a Lucio kept booping me off every res. My third game had our team change so much every round that barely anybody ever used an ultimate since they were a different hero every res.

    My last game went good though. Did pretty decently as Reaper, flanking hard and destroying the enemy Symmetra's fortifications and the next round I played Orisa and me and Rien destroyed the enemy team together, even got a life save POTG for denying the enemy Reaper his ultimate. Still wish the other games went like that.
    Sachrock likes this.
  10. I just hit level 400 and my comp rank has decayed to 3000 as I haven't been playing much comp
  11. Any free accounts probably won't have access to competitive. Pretty sure they didn't last time they did a free play event.
    Sachrock likes this.
  12. Rats. Guess I'll just boost in qp :/
    Sachrock likes this.
  13. Ah yes, ELO hell. I wish you the best of luck in getting out.
    Shadow_Dcord and Sachrock like this.
  14. Is that a pro genji????
    K_Kick and Sachrock like this.
  15. Only the pro'est of Genji's
    polemical likes this.
  16. Polemical#1538
    Shadow_Dcord, Sachrock and K_Kick like this.
    Sachrock likes this.
  18. I am a shame to the shimada name, I JUST found out that when you get a kill it refresh's your dash, I thought it was only when you got a dash kill is when it reset >_<
    Sachrock likes this.