Funny photos

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by PseudoDistant, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. here you're almost guaranteed to find funny images from somewhere in the deepest brightest ( not darkest because theres no dark web stuff here ) parts of the internet, please post funny images for other people to see.
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. I am ready to copy all of Reddit over

  3. pokemon go + traffic!

    fireplace wood house steve meme

    # noob house meme

    philosophoraptor meme minecraft

    well I just took all of your mon- O_O I mean funny password meme :D

    I don't need to say anything :D

    lol don't ask :)
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Please stop making a new post for each "funny" photo you upload, put them all together.
  5. Mrlegitislegit's got a nice thread already, which is more established.
    However, make sure to not post so many times in a short time-span.
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. lol I already tried but if I try to post 2 or more together my browser says "non-responsive script" and my browser crashes and my phone crashes and my car crashes (just kidding about the last one lol) so I can't now sorry.
    when I get a new phone I will I promise but as of now I can't :(

    bruh seriously thats obviously "funny"with "ph" at the beginning because of "photos"(almost like a pun) sorry. if this post gets 15 likes (excluding equinox-boss's like (only because you like everything bruh)) I'll change the name k
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. I know what you meant lmao

    And begging for likes like that is against the rules.
  8. I'm pretty sure he means likes on your post and not his own. At least, I hope he does, because now I'm second-guessing it myself.
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Do you not have a computer?
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. You should try to make some of the memes yourself. Copying and pasting memes from the internet isn't funny anymore. If you remember that Aikar meme thread, those ones were creative and new. Next time, I recommend you create your own. (Just my advice) :)
  11. Memes are still funny, but 2010 memes are not. That's the real problem with these images.

  12. lol yes I do but I use mah phone for forums :D

    yes exactly I don't beg for anything, because I'm too proud, in fact I don't even ask for help until it's almost too late or already too late :eek:
    WardleDeBoss and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. omg so phuNny Omg!!11!!
    BenMA, EmpireMall and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. Toooo hilar here xD
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  15. Well aren't you just the strongest, most independent black woman ever.

    when an emc player gets a new alt account a year after u got their main banned and starts sending u weird messages

    WardleDeBoss and EmpireMall like this.
  16. oh mY gOLlY yoU aRE a rACe cAR drIvEr ahem I mean racist
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  17. ...


    How am I racist?

    I'm quite confused.
    WardleDeBoss, 607 and EmpireMall like this.